tonight. Yes, I know, I know. General consensus is that it sucked, but I have to see for myself because I
haven't seen it. I missed it the one day they played it in the theater here (yes, we get movies for one day only, unless they're mega-blockbusters), and I have to know how it ends. I don't care if it's the worst movie ever; it's been a year, and I have to know.
But I'm positive I won't think it's the worst movie ever. I'm sure my husband would say that my favorite movie genre is Crap, which is evidenced by my owning The Karate Kid Trilogy and Big Trouble in Little China. I'm easily entertained, have criminally low movie standards, and am a complete sucker for explosions, especially when they're set to techno music. Hence, my desire to see the final Matrix movie.
Since it's common knowledge that the movie was bad, it goes for $6.83 online, so I feel no guilt whatsoever in purchasing it. And I will watch it eagerly when it shows up. However, I will likely refrain from writing the embarrassing post about how I enjoyed it. Because I know I will enjoy it. Big Trouble in Little China, remember?
But Jack Burton kicked ass with Egg. One of my favorite baddies, to boot. But I also liked "Killer Klowns from Outer Space".....
Posted by: Larry at December 18, 2004 08:26 PM (6jEN5)
Now is not the time or the place to diss one of Kurt Russell's masterpieces of film. Jack Burton proudly shares an exalted place with Snake Plissken as authentic blue color American heroes. And you can bet the family farm that Jack Burton was a veteran of some branch of the American military. He acts and sounds like a Marine to me. He definitely was kicking serious butt and taking names.
Posted by: Pilgrim at December 18, 2004 10:11 PM (qUiee)
Loved Big Trouble. A movie where the main character was actually the sidekick. It wasn't a great movie, but it was fun.
Then again, I thought the Blair Witch Project sucked, and that got critical acclaim.
Posted by: Kalroy at December 18, 2004 11:09 PM (i9w6W)
I hate to disagree with you Sarah. There are bad movies as in 'cheesy bad.' The kind where you hate to admit that you actually enjoyed it. But the Matrix 3 is so bad, I literally could not watch it. The first movie was as good as the third movie is BAD!
Posted by: Greg Schreiber at December 18, 2004 11:21 PM (Y/7hg)
Its all in the reflexes...
Posted by: LarryConley at December 19, 2004 04:15 AM (y5h4n)
Posted by: Sarah at December 19, 2004 04:29 AM (0lJaG)
Big Trouble is one of the best movies EVAR!
Posted by: inkgrrl at December 20, 2004 02:33 PM (ARMDq)
Big Trouble in Little China is a classic. Ask Susie, she'll tell you!
Posted by: Pixy Misa at December 20, 2004 08:24 PM (uOsif)
"The Matrix Revolutions" is a movie that people either wildly love or wildly hate, with drastically few in between. But there is something that I've noticed that tends to make someone fall into either camp...
If a person believes in God, he/she will tend to appreciate "Revolutions". If a person does not believe in God, he/she will tend to think that "Revolutions" is a steaming pile of bat guano.
I thought "The Matrix Revolutions" was the PERFECT ending to what was already a perfect movie trilogy. It ended the only way it ideally *could* end: in peace. Maybe some people can't accept that because it flies in the face of EVERYTHING that Hollywood has told them how the world works: that you must crush your enemies without mercy so that you can gloat over their remains. Certainly that's how enough people in this world operate, anyway.
Here's the thing that might turn most people around on "The Matrix Revolutions": go find "The Animatrix", the collection of 9 anime-style shorts set in the Matrix saga. And watch "The Second Renaissance" parts 1 and 2. It was written by the Wachowskis themselves and it explains *everything* that happened that led up to the war between humans and machines. Without spoiling it I'll say this much: it's hard NOT to sympathize with the machines after watching it... and in fact the Matrix was a kind of **mercy** that they showed toward humanity, even when humanity showed the machines no mercy at all.
In the context of all this, Neo becomes a beautiful Christ-figure for both worlds. And I thought that's what made "The Matrix Revolutions" so rich and intriguing and even downright beautiful.
(PS, thanks for commenting on my blog Sarah. Glad I found yours also :-)
Posted by: Christopher Knight at December 31, 2004 11:33 AM (RsCFU)
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