November 30, 2004
Have you ever had one of those moments where you realize you're a fool?
My co-worker and I had an argument last week, the details of which are tedious and irrelevent. I decided I would suck it up and try to clear the air on Monday, so I walked into the office with a gift in hand and apologized for the misunderstanding. She refused my apology and gift.
I keep thinking about that ending scene in Clerks, where Randal berates Dante for sticking with the status quo simply because it's easier than rocking the boat. I too hate rocking the boat. I keep my mouth shut all the time at work, despite the fact that my co-worker pisses me off a lot, because it's easier than dealing with discord. I have considered quitting my job and looking for something more fitting someone with six years of higher education, but I never wanted to rock the boat. I didn't want to disrupt the office, I didn't want my boss to have to find someone to replace me, and I didn't want my co-worker to dislike me for moving on and leaving her to train someone new.
In short, I have been living for everyone's happiness but my own. I'm an utter fool.
I'm reading Atlas Shrugged for god's sake, and I didn't see what a pushover I've become. I turned down a job I really wanted because I didn't want to upset the status quo at work. I'm so disgusted with myself today that I don't even know what to do.
I learned a valuable lesson this week: Sarah comes first. I've spent the past year trying to make life easier for my co-worker, and this week she proved that she would rather win an argument than save our friendship. No longer will I do what's good for the office and for my employer; I will do what's good for Sarah.
There will be big changes in the near future...stay tuned.
Posted by: Sarah at
03:39 PM
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Congrats on becoming an egoist!
Memorable Quotes from The Fountainhead:
Ellsworth Toohey: We're alone. Why don't you tell me what you think of me.
Howard Roark: But I don't think of you.
Posted by: Greg Schreiber at November 30, 2004 05:28 PM (rg0Ra)
Who is John Galt?
Sorry, couldn't resist. Give 'em hell, Sarah!
Posted by: Chadd at November 30, 2004 06:07 PM (roGJq)
Some co-workers just enjoy the turmoil. Figure that she retains control by being mad and jerking you around. So go back to cheerfully ignoring her and take that other job.
Posted by: Julie at November 30, 2004 06:53 PM (+C/+o)
Posted by: Jim - PRS at November 30, 2004 07:18 PM (BjDAE)
In the late l800s a young missionary in India named Amy Carmichael hopped on a horse and rode it hard, in an "unladylike" manner, much to the consternation of an older, more puritannical lady. She subsequently dressed Miss Carmichael down in public. Amy related later that just as she was about to reply in kind, a "voice" within her suggested she "see in this a chance to die" to herself.
I have read at least two biographies of Miss Carmichael, and try to emulate her; but I find myself regularly failing to take advantage of those daily "chances to die" to self. Sarah, I fully understand what you experience; I know it is much easier to... well... you know.
Hang in there, gal. BTW, reading your blog, I'm guessing you and Russell hail from MO; I would be honored if, once you two return stateside, you would allow me to buy you two a steak dinner, either in Springfield somewhere (my home locale) or Mike Shannon's in STL (been there once; need an excuse to go back--loved it!).
Grace and peace,
Jim Shawley
Posted by: Jim Shawley at November 30, 2004 08:39 PM (OZvcc)
I swear -- by my life and my love of it -- that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.
Posted by: Stephen Macklin at November 30, 2004 09:47 PM (U3CvV)
Before Ayn Rand there was Shakespeare.....
to paraphrase, be true to yourself.
And good luck at it.
Posted by: Ruth H at November 30, 2004 10:02 PM (0icCN)
You go girl!!!!
I hope you read my comment on your Thankful post, I really meant it.
Posted by: Rightwingsparkle at November 30, 2004 10:38 PM (nrlu9)
Good for you Sarah. Gotta look out for #1. I can't believe how immature she is for not accepting your heartfelt apology. The best revenge is to live well. Get a new job and stick up for Sarah!
Posted by: Kathleen A at November 30, 2004 10:52 PM (vnAYT)
The fact that you took responsibility for something even though it wasn't your fault shows your true character. In turn, denying your gift and your apology shows HER true character. She's not worth the heartache, even though I know it will take a while before you can stop thinking about it. In the meantime, if you need her tires slashed, let me know - I'm your girl!
Posted by: Erin at November 30, 2004 11:44 PM (cHcC6)
Go, Sarah, go! Do what you *know* to be right. No regrets. Seek happiness.
Posted by: david at December 01, 2004 01:23 AM (ZVhuO)
My personal favorite............
"If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing." ~ Margaret Thatcher
Posted by: Vonn at December 01, 2004 04:55 AM (FmIVz)
Given that I just did the exact same thing, and am becoming more convinced by the day that I made the right choice, I know you're making the right choice. Enjoy every minute of your life, because it's the only one you get (religious beliefs aside, but I really hope that I don't have to work 9 to 5 in the Elysian Fields...).
I hope you know that there's a steak dinner for you in London as well (or in Milan if I happen to be there at the time). Can't let myself be outdone by Jim up there!
Posted by: Dominic at December 01, 2004 06:24 AM (uyRJS)
Bah, I bet you anything that Sarah still doesn't come first. You have too much love in your life to become an egocentric person.
I think the lesson you learned is that idiots come last, and that you're too old (not that you're old) to be bothered to suffer idiots and their idiocy (I just love that word).
Congratulations not on the lesson, since you probably already "knew" the lesson, but rather congratulations on the buddha, the realization of the lesson that you sorta knew before, but now truly know.
Posted by: Kalroy at December 01, 2004 09:58 AM (i9w6W)
Oh Sarah --- you know this is all part of the learning process. Some never learn others do learn by their experiences. There's a balance to be made between looking out for No. 1 and thinking of others. No one is an island and as much as I loved Ayn Rand I too got past the libertarian philosophy she espouses. You'll find your way that fits you in dealing with difficult people and allows you be true to yourself without being a doormat to drama egotists.
Posted by: Toni at December 01, 2004 10:43 AM (SHqVu)
Unless your employer is a complete idiot, the "what is good for the office and for my employer" will also be good for Sarah, assuming that you have reasonable political skills.
Most experienced managers have the ability to figure out who really cares and who really doesn't.
Posted by: david foster at December 01, 2004 12:06 PM (XUtCY)
I've got a good Ayn Rand quote for you! It suits a lot of your Iraq posts.
"The spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum. Whenever evil wins, it is only by default: by the moral failure of those who evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles."
Ayn Rand, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, 1966
As to your co-worker, a quote from Calvin and Hobbes - talk about a turnaround!
"It's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by lightning bolts."
Such is life. I have a bottle of wine calling your name Friday night, interested?
Posted by: Oda Mae at December 01, 2004 12:40 PM (FmIVz)
"Good judgement is the result of experience, which is the result of bad judgement".
Egon Brunswik, German psychologist, 1938
And being "for yourself" is NOT egocentric. Being for yourself is the essential basis of being able to give to the other freely, which is the basic requirement for love.
Posted by: Patrick B at December 01, 2004 12:51 PM (4BB37)
Congratulations, Sarah!
Taking your stand has moved you one step closer to classical liberalism (today's conservatism) and one step further away from the neo-liberalism palmed off on us by the Left.
Enjoy your new-found freedom and strength!
Posted by: lars at December 01, 2004 04:57 PM (QSAQh)
You're not a fool, you're a good person and a grown-up. I'm glad you're standing up for yourself. Your co-worker is an idiot and not worth your time and certainly not worth being upset with. Good on ya.
Posted by: oldcontroller at December 01, 2004 11:15 PM (hhiiF)
Sometimes your enemies do you the favor of refusing to cooperate when you shouldn't. (Think Arafat)
Posted by: David Boxenhorn at December 02, 2004 06:16 AM (t/KyQ)
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Congress Eyes UN Fund Cut...well, it's a start.
Posted by: Sarah at
02:41 AM
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Atlas Shrugged is a loooooong book but don't give up on it. I have probably read it 10 times (in the middle of 11 right now I guess)and I get something new out of it every time. It will probably change a lot of the way you think about things.
Posted by: sTEVE at December 03, 2004 05:11 PM (8HxzN)
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November 29, 2004
Wow. Someone with WAY too much time on his hands wrote a long and boring pro-Chomsky rant on one of my really old posts. I imagine this guy googled Chomsky stuff and then bombed everyone who had said anything bad about Chomsky. The funny thing is that the post was only somewhat related to Chomsky. Oh, I could have said bad stuff, since his linguistics is garbage and his politics is hilarious, but I didn't say anything about him in this post. Go ye and be bored silly:
Logic and Reasoning: Inside the Mind of an anti-Chomskyite: The Play (Act 1)
Posted by: Sarah at
01:45 PM
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I check Chomsky's blog on occasion. He now requires a $10 fee to "register" and make comments. Last time I checked, there were NO comments on his site.
Posted by: Mike at November 29, 2004 02:38 PM (MqNKC)
I read through most of the comments. Then I noticed that this person had left TWO comments. One in October, and one in November. I think you're right. WAY too much time on his hands.
Posted by: NightHawk at November 29, 2004 03:40 PM (2BMF+)
That is way beyond having an excess of time on one's hands. It must have been very slow and quiet in the asylum over the long holiday weekend.
Posted by: Cerberus at November 30, 2004 02:48 AM (nzIoS)
Mike--so you mean Chomsky is a Capitalist Pig, as well as a Flaming Hypocrite?
Just because I enjoy a good laugh, and the DUh is getting dull, what's the address of Chomsky's blog? Please feel free to email it to me if you don't want to soil Sarah's carpet.
Posted by: LCVRWC at December 01, 2004 11:13 AM (etHvD)
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I have a million articles to read that have been emailed to me, but I need to grade a couple of papers before class. I'll try to get caught up this evening, but in the meantime, read
Under Fire (via Oda Mae), an article that compares the Fallujah Marine to
Ethics in America, the series I've been
raving about for some time now...
Posted by: Sarah at
03:52 AM
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How did I miss that article? Thanks, Oda Mae. I used this series in class teaching Honor & Ethics at USAFA. The snippets covered in the article are only a few seconds out of two hours--all just as powerful. Sarah has pointed out where to find the series on the web, and suggested everyone go see them. I'll add my emphasis to that suggestion.
Posted by: Mike at November 29, 2004 07:42 AM (MqNKC)
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Imagine Cartman saying "sweet." That's what I said when I read about our
new COLA increase! A 31% currency adjustment? My job only gave us 4%. Man, the Army takes care of us.
Posted by: Sarah at
03:05 AM
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Sarah, I'd like to email you... could you drop me a quick line so I could have your email address?
Posted by: Suzy at November 29, 2004 02:55 PM (SE5/u)
Just in case you're a email address is far down on the righthand toolbar, a hotmail address using the title of my blog.
Sorry for the impersonal response; I just don't want to unwillingly join any mailing lists.
Posted by: Sarah at November 29, 2004 03:47 PM (0zhVx)
Not a SpamBot - just couldn't find your contact info! Thank you
Posted by: Suzy at November 29, 2004 04:02 PM (SE5/u)
Posted by: david at November 30, 2004 08:21 AM (ZVhuO)
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My trip north turned out nicer than I had imagined it would. Lüneburg is one of the cutest freaking cities in Germany, and the Christmas decorations just made it all the more wow. I also had a very nice time with my friend. I was nervous at first, since she's from Sweden and her German boyfriend is stridently anti-war. In fact, she also said that she was nervous about our introduction. However, he was a very good host; he asked many, many questions about the war and the military, but none of them were rude or demanding. I tried to answer them as best as I could, and hopefully he learned something new or at least got to see another perspective. I was very grateful because he could've been a real jerk. It was a pleasant visit, and now I've driven all over this darn country. The only other direction left is towards Berlin...
Posted by: Sarah at
02:15 AM
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Welcome back! Glad you had a good time.
It's snowing here right now, looks like a snow globe.
Posted by: John at November 29, 2004 03:32 AM (crTpS)
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November 26, 2004
November 25, 2004
I'm also thankful for
Posted by: Sarah at
03:17 AM
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Thanks, that was great!
Posted by: Oda Mae at November 25, 2004 03:32 AM (ZpuzV)
Great Link. I used to hang out at a bar called Duke's in South Dakota with the gal that has now been my wife for twenty years. They had pictures of John Wayne everywhere. I really liked that place and we were just talking about it over Thanksgiving dinner. Happy Thanksgiving and I hope your husband is home safe and soon.
Posted by: JD( Infantryman in the past) at November 25, 2004 05:03 PM (QCTL2)
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I bet most people in my pre-Army life wouldn't trade places with me in a million years. On the surface, my life appears to suck: working two jobs for eight bucks an hour while the husband is off fighting a war for over a year. I'm sure many people feel sorry for me that I have to be alone and fearful.
I don't see it that way. I have so many things to be thankful for.
I'm thankful that I get to teach my classes. I don't really care about the money; I do it because I love Soldiers and I want to help them excel. Hearing them hooah or ma'am me is the greatest feeling in the world, and reading a well-formatted essay about how wonderful the military is...well, that just tops it all. I grumble that I'm always grading papers, but I'm so fortunate to have gotten my foot in the teaching door in the first place.
I'm thankful that it doesn't matter that I only make the eight bucks an hour. If deployment brings anything, it's cash flow. We're one check away from paying off our car, the last of our debts or obligations, and it's a thrilling feeling to be financially set. My husband has certainly earned his Hostile Fire Pay, but I'm thankful that he is eager to save that money for a down payment on a house someday instead of wanting to buy video games.
I'm thankful that I have friends to go through this year with me. I'm still a little freaked that news of my blog has leaked out, but it has brought me closer to some people and made for a lot of inside jokes and good conversations. I managed somehow to bring comfort to Mrs. Sims and the Prewitt family, and in turn many people have brought me comfort as well. I'm so thankful that I've met people from all over the world who share common ground.
And, believe it or not, I'm thankful for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Without hesitation I can say that I am thankful that Uday and Qsay are dead, that Saddam is in custody, that al-Qaeda and al-Zarqawi are on the run, and that Iraq will soon have its first election where the result is less than 100%. I'm thankful for nations like Poland, Great Britain, Australia, and all the rest of the coalition of the willing for standing up for what was right even when it meant incurring wrath from the axis of weasels. I'm thankful that President Bush sees the threat of islamobarbarism and has vowed to counter it as long as he is in office, and I am thankful that 59 million Americans helped keep him in office so the fight could continue.
Most importantly, I'm thankful that my husband is fighting a war in 2004. We have the luxury of being able to instant message with each other nearly every day, and when he's involved in something dangerous, I have the ability to track it online. I'm thankful that our brigade was adamant about the 100% R&R policy, something that was impossible even last year. I'm thankful that my husband got to come home for two weeks so he could get much-needed rest and crab rangoon. I hear from him, I know he's safe, and I support him wholeheartedly...but I'm also thankful that we only have four months left!
This year I have so many things to be thankful for. Wars have a way of bringing immediacy to your life, and I'm thankful that I've learned to be grateful for every minute my husband and I have together, as well as every friend who understands why we are thankful we can be part of such important moments in American history.
I have nothing to complain about. I'm thankful.
Posted by: Sarah at
02:59 AM
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Nice post. I, (and many others, I'm certain) are thankful that you've shared a bit of your life and thoughts with the rest of us. I'm also thankful for those that are serving our country in the WoT, and for the sacrifices of their families.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by: Jack Grey at November 25, 2004 05:39 AM (Jq8H8)
I also have much to be thankful for this year. One of the things is that we still have so many people who believe that there are things important enough to fight for. God bless and keep you and your husband today and through out the year.
Sometimes the reward for what we do is measured by more than money. You will be able to say that you made a difference in someones life and that is worth far more than 8 bucks and hour (plus the experience will look great on your resume) :-)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by: Pamela at November 25, 2004 12:40 PM (AOFgp)
Happy Thanksgiving!! Glad to read you're doing well today!
Posted by: Beth at November 25, 2004 02:23 PM (PGnJG)
Posted by: david at November 26, 2004 01:04 AM (ZVhuO)
I'm thankful for people like you and your husband.
Posted by: David Foster at November 26, 2004 01:13 AM (B4Dcl)
Your awesome. If only we all had your attitude.
I swear to you there isn't a day that goes by that me and my kids don't say a prayer of thankfulness that there are people like your husband willing to fight, willing to go , willing to give so very much.
And in their sacrifice we find someone like you, who waits, who works, who places her faith in her country and gives us a glimpse of her thankfulness.
There is something in that that touches my heart. Knowing that a woman like this, who understands all that it is important, MUST be married to a uncommon man of valor, although NOT uncommon in our military.
That someone like this, this man that is your husband, me great solace.
Posted by: Rightwingsparkle at November 27, 2004 12:31 AM (nrlu9)
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November 24, 2004
Election blogging has now been replaced by Marine-shooting-in-Fallujah blogging.
Rightwingsparkle asks some interesting questions concerning omniscient reporters.
Posted by: Sarah at
04:10 AM
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November 23, 2004
2-2 INF
My neighbor sent me a
gripping article about A-CO 2-2 INF, the company CPT Sims commanded in Fallujah. It features more from SSG Fitts and provides a harrowing picture -- and actual pictures -- from the missions.
Here's something funny though: "Of roughly 400 men and women from Task Force 2-2..." Are there any women in Fallujah? I know there aren't any in 2-2 INF, and I thought I understood that women couldn't even be attached to infantry battalions. Is this just p.c. talk, or are there really women involved?
Posted by: Sarah at
01:23 PM
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I don't know the specifics of that particular unit, but there are woman in combat in lots of places here in Iraq. They don't get that way by being in a combat arms job, but they hold combat support jobs that take them into battle areas. I see woman in combat gear carrying their M-16s and their M-4s quite often. As there are very few front lines in Iraq, the terorist are better at ambushing then standing and fighting, there has been plenty of Jessica Lynch type scenarios arising where female soldiers kick ass and take names...
Posted by: Frank Myers at November 23, 2004 05:14 PM (Cixed)
That is one hell of a gripping story. OMG - it's just so hard for a civilian to imagine this fighting. I just can't express often enough the admiration and awe I have for our fighting Soldiers and Marines.
Posted by: Toni at November 24, 2004 09:10 AM (SHqVu)
The women are probably from maintenance and support batallions attached to 2-2. When I was there, (if memory serves) it was the 401st support that handled all the heavy support for 1/6 Inf, 1/37 and 2/37 Ar and associated units. I don't remember any females going in Gulf 1, however.
Posted by: Jason at November 24, 2004 12:13 PM (565iX)
My husband is in Task-Force 2-2 and there are women there there are Medics from 201st.
Posted by: Lesley at December 01, 2004 05:42 PM (XbwU9)
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Got an email from Red 6, the husband's best friend, today. He's back from Fallujah, safe and sound. He's also
famous for a day.
And other Indians have noticed!
Posted by: Sarah at
11:03 AM
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thanks for the ping! It's one thing to talk about changing the world from the safety of our offices & computer desks, it's another thing to be out there doing it.
Your husband & Red 6 have a LOT to be proud of - well before any accolades from the rest of us.
Posted by: vinod at November 24, 2004 05:50 PM (nzCS0)
Whoa! I'm glad I followed the 2nd link with the picture. I went to school with him! We graduated the same year, same major... Talk about a small world. (I don't think he knew me well enough to remember me though.)
Posted by: karishma at November 29, 2004 05:51 PM (cwU4r)
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Many people have pointed to
Kevin Sites' explanation to the Marines (he's the one who taped the Marine shooting the wounded terrorist). I don't doubt that Sites felt a sinking feeling in his stomach as he witness the scene. I also tend to believe him that he wasn't out looking for Woodward/Bernstein-type fame. But here's what I don't like.
In war, as in life, there are plenty of opportunities to see the full spectrum of good and evil that people are capable of. As journalists, it is our job is to report both -- though neither may be fully representative of those people on whom we're reporting. For example, acts of selfless heroism are likely to be as unique to a group as the darker deeds. But our coverage of these unique events, combined with the larger perspective - will allow the truth of that situation, in all of its complexities, to begin to emerge.
When we look back on Operation Iraqi Freedom, what are we going to remember? What are the memories that the Mainstream Media has drilled into our heads? Abu Ghraib. This Marine shooting a wounded terrorist. Jessica Lynch. The lack of WMDs.
Please correct me if I'm wrong. I don't watch news on the TV, so maybe the airwaves are bombarded with hero stories I just haven't heard yet. But I sincerely reject the idea that the Media is balancing "the full spectrum of good and evil that people are capable of" in the daily news. They instead take something like Abu Ghraib and give it flashy banners and expert guests, run the story on a loop every 15 minutes, and drill the "atrocity" into our heads. Did they present the full atrocity of Nick Berg's beheading? Of the children's jails and rape rooms and mass graves uncovered after the war? Did they make a nice flashy banner for the torture chambers and half-dead prisoners that were just found in Fallujah this week?
Where's the flashy banner for CPL Yeager? Where's Pat Tillman's story on a loop over and over? A few clips at the end of your segment pointing out some Hometown Heroes does not a balanced scale make. The Media defends itself by saying, "we have to show the good and the bad." Please, show me when you've given half the airtime to good as you have to bad.
Over the past two years, I have developed a sense of utter revulsion for reporters and journalists. I don't want to feel like that, but they've made their own bed. I don't blame Kevin Sites for shooting the footage, but I blame the Media Monster for the way it's presented and distributed.
John Kerry killed a wounded enemy in Vietnam and got the Silver Star. This Marine killed a wounded enemy in Iraq and will face the death penalty. It's all in how you package and sell it.
Posted by: Sarah at
03:22 AM
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I can't seem to find the words to describe how this incident makes me feel.
To put it mildly, Kevin Sites surely weighed the consequences of his actions before he went forward with his footage. The lambasting our troops receive because of this I fear will cause them to hesitate next time, this will get them killed.
The next soldier killed by an enemy faking their death is squarely on the head of Kevin Sites.
I'd better stop now.
Posted by: John at November 23, 2004 05:45 AM (crTpS)
I wish you weren't correct, Sarah, but I'm afraid you are. There is such a huge story to tell about OIF, and the stories are all over the internet and the blogosphere... but not in the MSM. I do watch the news (mostly CNN) and I want to scream at my TV most of the time. I'd love to sit down with Aaron Brown for an hour and make him read all the things I've seen, and ask him why these aren't stories that deserve to be told.
I know a lot of us are worked up about the incident with the Marine, but I still put my faith in Navy JAG, because, well, I have faith in the Navy. If, and I say IF, it actually goes to a Court Martial, I don't see the members convicting him. I really don't think it will get that far, though blithering media idiots will continue to make a big deal out of it.
In the end, I think a free Iraq will tell the story. Somehow, the media will write the story when they have to- even if it's grudgingly.
As for the heroic efforts and sacrifices of the military and others- those that matter know. Sometimes, that's the best you can ask for.
Posted by: Jack Grey at November 23, 2004 06:17 AM (Jq8H8)
Like you, I don't watch TV news. I will, on occasion, catch Brit Hume. Other than that, I get my news from the broadest possible sources--radio and internet.
The folks running MSM are the same ones who tried, and almost succeeded, in destroying our military thirty years ago. They say otherwise, but that is still their ultimate goal. Their vision is a US without any military--only then can there be peace throughout the world.
Posted by: Mike at November 23, 2004 07:43 AM (MqNKC)
Sarah - you're right. I don't bother looking at the news anymore. Even my Mom has figured it out now - and she's 65. Took her long enough to realize she was only getting a piece (and a bad one) of the story.
I depend on the blogs to get me the true stories. Like The Greenside, Blackfive, etc. Don't worry. Those of us who aren't being forcefed the news know the truth and the heroism of OIF and the soldiers. We will not forget. And I'm grateful for their service to my freedom.
Posted by: Kathleen A at November 23, 2004 08:36 AM (vnAYT)
Sarah - I had written from the time I read about this incident that Kevin Sites was an opportunist. I don't believe he overtly wished ill to the affected Marine but it's a matter of self importance and self aggrandizement. I've read every side of this issue on the net. I never watch any of the Alphabet news programs and watch Fox News maybe a couple hours on the weekend. So, my news comes from articles posted on Lucianne, some daily email alerts and blogs. Kevin Sites was willing to sacrifice this Marine for his own opportunism. End of story. What I have not had confirmed for me as yet is if Kevin is still embedded or not? Anyone know?
Posted by: Toni at November 23, 2004 09:08 AM (SHqVu)
Kevin Sites "Can't handle the truth"; not, as the movie went, able to bear it and its implications, but he cannot truthfully handle it to give it out. Two points:
First, he says the insurgent was "partially covered by a blanket". Well and good; what part, though, of the man was covered? Would that not go to the question of the Marine's state of mind? Sites did not handle the truth here; he did not give the whole truth.
Secondly, he didn't handle the truth in a way that would, while allowing for due process in which the Corps would get to the whole truth, continue to protect the Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen stationed there: He could have (indeed, SHOULD have) not submitted the tape for broadcast/pool use. He is a veteran journalist; he is a professional, unlike all us amateur rubes ("for those who don't practice journalism...")--he MUST have known what would happen once al Jazeera would get their copy! How could he NOT know!? We are right back to the "Ethics in America" dilemma: The story is more important than the Soldiers' safety; or, Sites is a journalist before he is an American.
Thank you, Sarah, for providing the link to the "Ethics" video; very enlightening.
Keep the faith, and I continue to remember you and your husband in my prayers.
Posted by: Jim Shawley at November 23, 2004 01:31 PM (CnYsu)
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Wretchard puts a
final nail in the Bush-is-Hitler meme. I have no idea if readers click on every link I provide, but this is certainly one you want to check out. You also need to click on Wretchard's link to the
liberation of Dachau when he compares it to the shooting in Fallujah.
Posted by: Sarah at
02:34 AM
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I did check out the Dachau link, and it shut me up for a while. My moral compass completely broke down at that point - I no longer knew what was wrong and what was right... Not recommended reading if you don't have time to absorb it.
Posted by: Dominic at November 23, 2004 07:04 AM (uyRJS)
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story from a Marine in Fallujah:
I will end with a couple of stories of individual heroism that you may not have heard yet. I was told about both of these incidents shortly after they occurred. No doubt some of the facts will change slightly but I am confident that the meat is correct.
The first is a Marine from 3/5. His name is Corporal Yeager (Chuck Yeager's grandson). As the Marines cleared and apartment building, they got to the top floor and the point man kicked in the door. As he did so, an enemy grenade and a burst of gunfire came out. The explosion and enemy fire took off the point man's leg. He was then immediately shot in the arm as he lay in the doorway. Corporal Yeager tossed a grenade in the room and ran into the doorway and into the enemy fire in order to pull his buddy back to cover. As he was dragging the wounded Marine to cover, his own grenade came back through the doorway. Without pausing, he reached down and threw the grenade back through the door while he heaved his buddy to safety. The grenade went off inside the room and Cpl Yeager threw another in. He immediately entered the room following the second explosion. He gunned down three enemy all within three feet of where he stood and then let fly a third grenade as he backed out of the room to complete the evacuation of the wounded Marine. You have to understand that a grenade goes off within 5 seconds of having the pin pulled. Marines usually let them "cook off" for a second or two before tossing them in. Therefore, this entire episode took place in less than 30 seconds.
My grandfather flew with Chuck Yeager during WWII, and they've kept in touch throughout all these years. It makes me smile to know that Yeager's grandson and my grandfather's grandson(in-law) are fighting in the same war today.
Posted by: Sarah at
02:20 AM
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Bill Whittle's long-awaited book,
Silent America, is now
for sale. I personally have to wait two torturous weeks until it goes on sale through Amazon, because pre-sale orders can't be shipped to APO. But I will be first in line to buy a copy once they're available.
Posted by: Sarah at
02:10 AM
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November 22, 2004
CavX found a parody of Fahrencrap 9/11. It's a lengthy clip, and you get the joke after a couple of minutes, but it's worth checking out. I loved the Wal-Mart scene.
Fellowship 9/11
Posted by: Sarah at
04:53 PM
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Bleat today...
I was a cranky teen too. Now there's nothing I like more than shopping for Christmas decorations with Mom.
Posted by: Sarah at
02:25 AM
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I had a strange variation on the going-to-school-naked dream last night: I dreamt I went to a Veteran's Day parade in Class A's, but I had forgotten my beret. Talk about panic! I bolted awake and calmed myself down by reminding myself that I'm
not even in the military...
Posted by: Sarah at
02:18 AM
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And you're not Monica Lewinsky either (the beret, the beret). That's funny Sarah. You need a warm bath with aromatic salts and a glass of wine to rest easy.
Posted by: Kathleen A at November 22, 2004 07:18 AM (vnAYT)
LOL I used to have the "forgot my class schedule or high school gym locker combo" dreams all the time until I retired. Now it's "back to my old Korea unit with a beergut and a my underwear."
Posted by: cowboy blob at November 22, 2004 01:16 PM (F0ZXo)
Last night, NBC's "American Dreams" concluded with a very lengthy Ford Mustang commercial - complete with a Marine travelling home in his BDU's. As the Marine stepped outside to the car, my husband (Active Duty, Army) yelled at the tv, "Marine! Where is your HEADGEAR?!?!" I was laughing, but he was not amused. He said that if they'd taken the time to make such a commercial (honestly, the gist was that a brand new Mustang is a nice "thank you" gift to your son for serving in the military) - that they should have at least gotten the uniform correct.
Posted by: Suzy at November 22, 2004 03:34 PM (ExCyr)
Suzy: I yelled at the TV too when I saw this episode of Smallville (see
here). Improper military stuff bugs me too.
Posted by: Sarah at November 22, 2004 04:05 PM (dy3xn)
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