December 30, 2006

Posted by: Sarah at
09:46 AM
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Let's dance in the streets and pretend that this makes a difference!
Posted by: R.Wallach at December 30, 2006 06:19 PM (QPNNU)
Posted by: MargeinMI at December 31, 2006 12:24 AM (W3Yhz)
Hell yes it makes a difference. The Iraqi people,
REPEAT the Iraqi people, have taken a huge step
towards reclaiming their country.
Not ladylike,Miss Sarah,but I like the cake's
sentiment none the less!
Pupdate,please,at your earliest...
Posted by: MaryIndiana at January 01, 2007 04:55 PM (V5Xp/)
Now we'er in cahoots with the al Sadr malitia. Hell yes it makes a difference, our greatest enemy is our greatest ally. Less is more. The better things get the worse they'er gonna be. Hell Yeah!
Posted by: R.Wallach at January 01, 2007 08:25 PM (fsC5q)
Posted by: tim at January 02, 2007 09:33 AM (nno0f)
Jim: you win the prize Homer!
Posted by: R. Wallach at January 02, 2007 12:33 PM (wn3bo)
Posted by: Erin at January 02, 2007 01:21 PM (ppMYy)
You crack me up!

Thank you!
Posted by: Lara at January 02, 2007 06:20 PM (fgMws)
Wow, that's barbaric. I take it you believe in capitol punishment?
Posted by: Will at January 03, 2007 08:13 AM (QRBGL)
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December 28, 2006
Saddam to be hanged by Sunday
This calls for one of my cakes!
Posted by: Sarah at
04:13 PM
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It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
Posted by: R at December 28, 2006 06:40 PM (xexA1)
Nothing I am typing seems appropriate. It's
either too harsh or not harsh enough.
So I will just say:THANK YOU to Sarah's husband
and his brothers in arms for their service to
this country.
Posted by: MaryIndiana at December 28, 2006 08:11 PM (V5Xp/)
(*whistling the theme from “Hang ’em High”*)

Happy New Years!
Posted by: tim at December 29, 2006 08:41 AM (nno0f)
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We've noticed some weird spellings of our new street name. It's not a super common word, but it's hardly difficult. But we've gotten all sorts of strange looks and repeats, which we've found amusing. Today in the car we were looking at all the other street names and trying to decide which would be easy for people and which would be hard. (The best one we came across was Possum Holler Rd.) And my husband cracked me up when he said, "I suppose it could always be worse: 'What's your address?' '1532 Ecclesiastical Benevolence.'"
Posted by: Sarah at
01:24 PM
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Street names are fun.
You know, like streets named "Hell on Wheels." That was where The Boy lived while we were engaged. Even though it's a neat name, with a lot of history, people definitely had problems with it.
Posted by: The Girl at December 28, 2006 07:35 PM (gzjMV)
My Mom is buying a new house and is very concerned over street names. I told her it doesn't matter how simple it is, you will always have to spell it for someone.....
Posted by: Amy at December 29, 2006 01:42 AM (DWNNI)
We always pay attention to street names. Ones I've enjoyed over the years: Tennis Ct.; East St.
Then, there's the themed streets with a mistake thrown in... Rumba Rd., Macarena St., Waltz Dr., Cha Cha Ct., Salsa St., and Picante Way. PICANTE? lol
Posted by: US Navy Wife at December 30, 2006 10:03 AM (O9Y6y)
Hey! We have a "Hell on Wheels" too! And I think it's the coolest. Our street doesn't seem that difficult either, Sarah, but I always have to spell it out for people.
Posted by: Erin at January 02, 2007 01:23 PM (ppMYy)
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This was a long read, but it was definitely worth my time.
Hugh Hewitt interviews Joe Rago, the young journalist who said that blogs are crap.
Posted by: Sarah at
04:19 AM
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December 27, 2006
I just had one of those moments like Steve Martin in
Father of the Bride, where he goes nuts and starts pulling hotdog buns out of the pack. I think that someone at the window factory got together with someone in the blinds factory and decided to screw the American public.
We went to buy blinds. Our windows are 54" wide. Well, you can buy 52" or 59". And 59" costs ten bucks more. So we proceeded to buy 59"s and have them cut about fifty dollars worth of blinds off and dump them in the garbage. It's funny because I'm not really mad about the price -- I would've bought 54"s for the same price -- I'm just ticked that I had to pay to waste blinds, that I had to sit for an hour and a half and watch them throw our money down a hole. Literally.
But at least tomorrow the sheets can come down from the windows.
Posted by: Sarah at
12:55 PM
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I too loathe waste...
loathe it.
Posted by: armywifetoddlermom at December 27, 2006 04:37 PM (u/ILG)
Welcome to the joys of home ownership! For future reference, our windowns are the same size and if you work it, you can make the smaller ones or the larger ones fit, just depends on if you can put it on the insdie/outside of your window. I was lucky that my dad was here when I was buying them so he taught me that! BUt...why should we have to work it when it seems that the 54 is the standard size for windows! CRAZY!
Don't even keep track of the money you spend on your will just make you sick!
Posted by: StephanieBerndt at December 28, 2006 03:04 AM (+bp0U)
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December 26, 2006
December 25, 2006
Lileks writes about
Kurt Gerstein today and warns that it's "not exactly holiday reading." But he hints that it is, and I'll take it one step further. We don't have kids. We don't have any family or friends here to celebrate with. We don't even have a tree up. So what does Christmas mean without all that? It means being thankful for all the blessings you have, and what better way to do that than to think about how absolutely worse life could be.
I heard Glenn Beck on the radio a few weeks ago saying something I haven't been able to get out of my head. He was talking about the so-called War on Christmas and how people get all bent out of shape about whether the Seattle Airport has any trees in the lobby. He said that these people are entirely missing the point about Christmas. He said that we can't even understand Thanksgiving -- that we've reduced it to food and football -- so if we can't even understand Thanksgiving, how can we possibly begin to understand the true meaning of Christmas?
What he said really got to me. Christians survived communism, a fate far worse than drama about airport decorations. People have been persecuted and killed for their beliefs, and they certainly didn't need a tree or presents to understand what Christmas means. People who truly believe in the meaning of Christmas don't need an airport tree to make them feel Christmassy, and they don't need to whine about any War on Christmas.
We don't need the trappings of Christmas to have the Christmas spirit in our hearts. But we do need the Kurt Gersteins, the deployed soldiers, the stories that remind us that all our bitching and moaning about where the tree should be placed or how long the lines are in the stores is really and truly absurd.
Read the story of Kurt Gerstein. And then wipe away the tears and think about how good your life is. And enjoy your Christmas, with our without a tree.
Posted by: Sarah at
05:28 AM
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Merry Christmas to everyone!!!
Posted by: Shawn at December 25, 2006 04:05 PM (Wtqbn)
I live in the Seattle metro area, and what caused me grief about the airport story wasn't weather they *had* the trees. It was the fact that the trees were up, and according to the news story, a Rabbi threatened to sue if a Menorrah was not displayed as well. The port authority (who owns and operates the airport) decided to remove the trees at the threat of a suit. *THAT* is what drives me nutty.
In the end, they negotiated with him, and he withdrew the lawsuit threat, with the agreement that next year there would be a 'multicultural' committee to define the decorations at the airport. And some (although not all) of the trees went back up.
The concept of having to remove everything because of the possibility of insulting one person or group is overboard, me thinks!
Posted by: Barb at December 26, 2006 09:57 AM (PGzrn)
I actually had a conversation with someone at Christmas who said that the "Holocaust wasn't as bad as the Jews said is was, and the numbers just don't add up." His mother sat there with a look of horror on her face. I had to walk away.
Posted by: mare at December 27, 2006 05:14 AM (Oc90P)
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December 24, 2006
On this Christmas Eve, be thankful for the men and women who serve our country, many of whom are too young to even
rent a car...
Posted by: Sarah at
09:36 AM
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What a wonderful story! A very Merry Christmas to you and your husband (and puppy)!
Posted by: Teresa at December 24, 2006 10:04 AM (gsbs5)
That brought tears of joy to my eyes. That is what the Christmas season and spirit is all about! Merry Christmas to everyone!
Posted by: Vonn at December 25, 2006 06:36 AM (8ocu7)
Lovely story -- there *are* great people out there :-)
Merry Christmas to you all - and thank you for your service (both of you)!
Posted by: Barb at December 26, 2006 09:59 AM (PGzrn)
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What I love most about being home from Germany is that I can get things done in the morning. I can get up and make it to Walmart before the majority of shoppers do so I don't have to battle the crowds. I love that I can grocery shop at 0700 instead of waiting until 1000 at the commissary.
So this morning we ran to Walmart to try to beat the Christmas crowd because we needed a few groceries and because when we plugged our four-year-old phone into the wall, it started smoking. Hence, a replacement was in order. We got everything we needed and headed for the self check-out. And as I rang my items out, the big red light started flashing and I needed customer assistance.
I had committed the unforgivable sin of trying to buy Miller High Life before noon on a Sunday.
Look, we come from the heart of the Bible belt, and I have never had to think about these ridiculous and archaic liquor laws before. For the first few years of my drinking life, I lived in the state with the loosest laws and the smallest alcohol taxes. It never even crosses my mind that we can't buy something until I walk into a dry Walmart in Kentucky and wonder where the booze aisle is. Apparently you can't buy hard liquor anywhere in this danged country except for designated liquor stores, which always manage to be closed when you need booze (like Thanksgiving). And you can't even buy the soft stuff when you're supposed to be in church, I guess.
Talk about meddling.
I kinda think that if I want to get sloppy drunk at daybreak on Sunday, that's my own business. Why do we still have laws that are related to the sabbath? Shouldn't some hardcore separation of church and state folks be in a wad about this? I'm a little steamed that if my husband wants to have a Christmas Beer, we have to drive back out to the store later in the afternoon. Maybe we should just set ourselves up like Sweden, where you can't even pick the stuff out yourself and instead have to take a number and then tell the clerk to bring you a case of beer. Good heavens, can't we be responsible for anything ourselves, even our drinking habits?
I'm gonna go downstairs and drink a shot of something just for spite! It's early Sunday morning and I'm drinking! Mwahahaha.
Posted by: Sarah at
04:36 AM
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Where I live, not only can't you by alcohol (in a store) all day Sunday, you can't buy it after 8:00 p.m. on Saturday (bars are still serving though).
Posted by: Stephen Macklin at December 24, 2006 05:29 AM (Z3kjO)
Posted by: Jen at December 24, 2006 07:30 AM (T8QHc)
Drinking alcohol early Sunday morning? Now I know you're truly Army! As the saying goes, "It's after 1700 somewhere in the US Army world!"
Heck, I think I would need a shot just to brave the crowd at Walmart.
Merry Christmas Eve!
Posted by: R1 at December 24, 2006 09:17 AM (xexA1)
Further south in Georgia we can't buy any alcohol on Sunday and we can't buy on Christmas either.
Posted by: Jill at December 24, 2006 09:56 AM (dIPDr)
First off, Merry Christmas Sarah!
There are several counties in KY that are "dry" hard liquor at all...and I think no beer either. At least that was what it was like when I was a kid. My dad and uncles had to stop in Richmond to buy beer and a bottle of whisky for Grandpa whenever we would go to his house in...I think it was Laurel County...might have been Rockcastle. Of course outlawing alcohol just made the moonshine business a booming proposition.
Oh...and all of this is voted on...tis the will of the people!
Posted by: LCB at December 24, 2006 07:03 PM (myd9a)
Indiana still has "blue laws" that prevent
demon rum from being sold on Sunday. I had
the idea on Christmas Eve day that it would
be fun to make some bourbon balls. (Pecans
soaked in bourbon,rolled in confectioner's
sugar and dipped in chocolate..)
At the check stand:
The excise police have been called!
It's all over for you now!
Sad thing was,you don't need a lot of bourbon,so
I was buying one of those teee-ny tiny bottles.
You'd think I'd learn to go big or stay home.
Yes. I am a de'sprit crim-nal I am!
Posted by: MaryIndiana at December 26, 2006 07:45 PM (V5Xp/)
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December 21, 2006
I can't believe it's almost Christmas.
This holiday season really got lost in the move. I chuckled yesterday when I was unpacking boxed that hadn't been opened since Germany and I thought, "Wow, it's just like Christmas! Oh wait..." In the rush to buy a washer and dryer, a fridge, a sofa, two armoires, new brakes, and a host of other house needs (still no blinds -- that's today), I haven't even thought about Christmas. Not to mention that it's warm here, so how can my brain process it when a store clerk wishes me a merry Christmas and I'm wearing short sleeves? Does not compute.
Also my husband's present is lost somewhere in the house. I had hidden it in the computer room in the apartment, but I've opened all the computer room boxes here and it's nowhere to be found. I came across his present to me, which he had hidden in his underpants drawer. I told him that was maybe not the best place to hide it considering it was laundry day. Thankfully I didn't really see what it was, because I had an a-ha moment that maybe I shouldn't investigate further.
I have to shop for Christmas dinner. But first I have to clear away eight thousand glasses and dishes and bowls and tupperwares off the countertops.
Posted by: Sarah at
04:21 AM
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Yeah right you didn't look.
Posted by: Will at December 21, 2006 01:03 PM (QRBGL)
Merry Christmas to you and yours Sarah.
Posted by: Kalroy at December 22, 2006 07:01 PM (9RG5y)
Wishing you and your hubbie a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thanks for protecting my freedom.
Posted by: Kathleen A at December 24, 2006 01:03 AM (7qm8p)
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December 20, 2006
After six months in billeting at OBC, three years in Germany, and six months of just cell phones, we have our first home phone in a very long time. We've had it three days, and already I'm sick of the telemarketers. We've gotten so many pre-recorded phone calls that I can't even believe it. How freaking annoying.
Posted by: Sarah at
07:39 AM
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May I suggest two things that have helped me?
1.) Get an unlisted number. It only cost an extra couple of bucks a month & its well worth it.
2.) Register yourself at the National Do Not Call Center. (Do a web search).
Posted by: tim at December 20, 2006 08:04 AM (nno0f)
I agree with Tim. We don't have an unlisted number, but as soon as we got our home phone I put all three of our numbers (home & both cell phones) on the National Do Not Call Registry. I think it takes about 60 days for it to kick in, but life is so much more peaceful now.
Posted by: Robin at December 20, 2006 03:32 PM (V5aG3)
Ditto to all who suggest the Do Not Call list.
It is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Posted by: MaryIndiana at December 20, 2006 07:11 PM (V5Xp/)
Pre-recorded phone calls are almost as anoying as the damn SMS messages from Orange telling me i am now in their service area (live near France in germany). Its sorta funny sometimes, going from the front room, to the WC will get your atleast 2 SMS some times more one from Orange, then another from T-Movile. ARGG all of it should be banned.
Posted by: dagamore at December 20, 2006 09:17 PM (7IZfE)
Yep - the do not call registry is wonderful. Then get caller id and don't answer any from "unknown" or "blocked call" etc.
On my phone I have caller id - don't answer if I don't know who it is, but have the answering machine loud enough to hear if it's a call I would want to take. I haven't talked to a telemarketer in years.
BTW - even with the do not call registry - political calls and "charity calls" are still allowed, as are calls from companies you do business with - it doesn't kill everything but it gets most of them.
Posted by: Teresa at December 21, 2006 05:37 PM (gsbs5)
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December 19, 2006
So here's the latest. The showers had some sort of child-proof anti-scalding contraption, but someone went way overboard with it. So instead of anti-scalding, it became anti-warm. Plumber came out and it's fixed; thank heavens because it was my third day without a shower! Dishwasher is fixed too, so now we can start washing all these dishes that have been in boxes since Germany. I'm still sitting on a folding chair in front of the TV, but we should find a solution to that today. Oh, and the brakes went out on our car, so that was another fun activity to pass the time.
All in all, I can't complain. Except for the fact that we spent about a thousand dollars today. And we still have bedsheets tacked over the windows.
Posted by: Sarah at
12:23 PM
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As friend of mine often reminds me: Tragedy
divided by time equals comedy.
Sorry that your sweet Charlie is so distressed.
Remind him he's Army now!
Merry Christmas to all three of you.
Posted by: MaryIndiana at December 19, 2006 05:11 PM (V5Xp/)
I just did this too and my dog went on a hunger strike. After taking her to the vet we find out that she is just a drama queen.
And I still can't find my yarn.
Posted by: mare at December 19, 2006 05:18 PM (Oc90P)
Hey Sarah,
I am so excited for you and Erin! By the way the house is beautiful. I know it is a crazy time and I have been out of the loop, but I will call you today!
Love ya and miss ya , Kelly
Posted by: Kelly at December 19, 2006 07:52 PM (X9Y6g)
so glad you are in and getting settled. Welcome to the world of home ownership. A land where $1000 gets spent, and is almost unnoticable...
I hope the weather stays nice.
oh and send me photos!!
Posted by: armywifetoddlermom at December 20, 2006 03:49 AM (oSNDT)
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December 17, 2006
We're here.
We're a day late on internet connection due to a busted ethernet card, but now we're back in the saddle. Oh, and we've also discovered that our dishwasher is somehow not hooked up to any sort of water supply, and our shower doesn't have any hot water. And none of our furniture can fit through the doorway into our rec room. It's been a busy and fairly annoying two days.
But it's eight days before Christmas and the temps are still in the 70s. So we're lovin' that.
Also Charlie is completely freaked out by the move. He won't leave our side, which is unusual for the dog who hates to be touched. But he spent the first day walking around the house crying, so at least we're past that.
Five moves in four and a half years of marriage. Sheesh.
Posted by: Sarah at
12:48 PM
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Wow. I can sort of empathize. In one two year stretch I moved in with my fiance, started a new career, got married, bought a house and had a child. Of course at no time was there the possibility of anyone shooting at either one of us.
And at no time did we have dry clean only dishes!
Posted by: Stephen Macklin at December 17, 2006 01:44 PM (Z3kjO)
Each house you own from now on will be an adventure of "what's wrong with this one". I'm so glad you're all in. I hope you can stay there a while.
No hot water in the shower... OMG - that's nearly a deal breaker - I'm hoping for your sake it's easily fixed.
In any case things should start to settle down now. We'll make that the Christmas wish for you two.
Posted by: Teresa at December 18, 2006 07:25 PM (gsbs5)
I feel your pain. We just PCS and I don't think one thing has gone right since we moved in. But we are all here for the holidays so that is a blessing. I hope you enjoy your holidays in your new home.
Posted by: K at December 19, 2006 04:13 AM (EkEwP)
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December 11, 2006
The waves of PCS nausea are starting to wash over me.
My husband still doesn't have orders, but we're about 95% sure things will work themselves out soon. His control branch has been changed on his ORB to Civil Affairs, but we're waiting for that to trickle into orders. However, it was enough to put a silly grin on my husband's face, since he's been waiting for this day for over a year. Still, we might be the only couple in the history of Armydom who PCSes without orders. It could happen.
We leave on Wednesday, move in our house on Thursday, get our household goods on Friday, and get cable and internet on Saturday. What does your week look like?
Posted by: Sarah at
08:27 AM
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I understand your week looks almost the same.
Posted by: Rob at December 11, 2006 08:18 PM (wMSNf)
I went through a week like that once only with a lot few acronyms.
Posted by: Stephen Macklin at December 14, 2006 03:25 PM (Z3kjO)
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post from yesterday should not be seen as giving up or wanting out of Iraq or thinking we shouldn't have been there in the first place. This War on Terror is full of conflicting views for me. Well, not exactly conflicting, but complex for sure. No matter how freaking backwards I think Islam is and how often I think that these people don't deserve our blood to be shed to set them free, it's not really about that. This offensive war was started as defense, because they're the ones who wanted to kill us first. That's what I have to keep reminding myself when I wish they'd all just feck off and sharia themselves to death. I can't remember where I read/heard this recently, but someone smarter than I said that this war in Iraq is not like Vietnam because when we left Vietnam, we left our involvement with them altogether, but if we leave Iraq, it affects us. The result of what happens in Iraq deeply affects the United States. And that's why we can't let this be a Vietnam. We can't just wash our hands and go home, not only because it would be absolutely shameful for us to do that to Iraq
again, but because this war is far bigger than Iraq. People scoff when talking heads say we fight there so we don't have to fight here, but if we left Iraq now, it would surely come back to bite us later.
And so I struggle, with wanting all men to be free, with hating absolutely everything about Islam, with feeling outraged that my husband is trying to get a job so he can help people who clearly don't want to be helped, and with knowing that in the end none of that matters. All that matters is that we win this. That we crush the fighting spirit in Islam that makes them think that they're winning. We have to. Period.
Posted by: Sarah at
03:58 AM
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The Saints-Cowboys game yesterday provides an excellent analogy. Saints defense is kind of mediocre, so keep them off the field. They have a good offense, so keep the offense on the field. Even to the point of kicking onsides after a touchdown with a substantial lead. The best defense is a good offense.
For us, the best defense against Islamofascist terrorists attacking us on our soil is to aggresively attack them on theirs. The alternative is to abandon most of our individual rights (via internment camps, electronic eavesdropping, 'permits' for everything, etc.) in order to shore up the home front defense.
Posted by: Glenmore at December 11, 2006 08:55 AM (EWo1l)
You're kind of writing down a dark path there Sarah... how far do you have to go? how much do you have to hate Islam to justify this in your head? I really want to know, because maybe if it works and I can just hate a bunch of people all together and then not feel digust and remorse at my country's actions, then maybe I'll try. But you know what, I think I'd just end up hating myself more.
No, I don't think I'll ever end up in that head space. Here's a simple equation that you should try repeating over and over in your head: Iraq is unrelated to 9/11. Personally, that's how I know what's right and what's wrong.
Posted by: Will at December 11, 2006 04:04 PM (QRBGL)
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December 10, 2006
Political Critic posts a
reaction to the Iraq Study Group. In it, he says
The ISG's second point focuses on the training of the Iraqi military, which should be the main focus. Unfortunately, the Iraqi military has not been trained properly for the 3+ years that we've been there and that is not addressed. Apparently, the ISG believes that all of a sudden the Iraqi military will get trained exponentially faster and before the American forces leave. The report is correct to focus on the training, but makes no mention of how to stop the corruption, infiltration, and safety issues that they face.
I think this is an easy complaint to make -- "the Iraqi military has not been trained properly" -- but proposals on how to be more efficient are hard to come by.
I've spent a lot of time around soldiers who've been to Iraq, and I've heard lots of stories about training Iraqi soldiers. That was one of the primary missions of my husband's brigade as far back as early 2004. Everywhere they went, Iraqis went with them. Everything they did, Iraqis were involved. I hate when politicians say that we'd be able to pull out of Iraq if we'd just concentrate on training Iraqis. We've been doing that since day one.
However, training Iraqis is not just a matter of teaching them to shoot and how to go on raids. Heck, I've heard that's nothing to sneeze at in and of itself: when you're trying to teach someone who thinks that bullets go wherever Allah wills them to go, it can apparently be a pain in the neck to get them to aim. And that's the larger point of training Iraqis: you're teaching culture as much as military training.
I heard a story about the Iraqi police, who proudly bragged that they had taken a suspect into their station and beaten him all night long. They were proud, telling the Americans because they thought that they had done something good. Look, we're keeping order! The Americans didn't know what to do except shake their head and try to explain why this was not a good thing.
In order to teach someone to stand up and fight for his own country, you have to teach him to love his country above everything else. How do you teach that? All the target practice in the world can't stop "corruption, infiltration, and safety issues." You can't teach Iraqis to be Americans, to all of a sudden erase decades (centuries?) of ingrained tribalism and mores and have them care about the same things we care about. It's like we're looking at this through the lens of our own history: settlers came to the US and learned to live in religious harmony and value freedom and democracy over everything, so why can't you? If we just teach them to use a rifle, then they'll rise up like colonial Americans did, right? But it's not that simple. We can't force them to want the same things early Americans wanted. That's the problem with this so-called Bush Doctrine, which was a noble idea because we Americans have been taught from birth that all men want to live free. But unfortunately we tried to free people who think sharia is the way to go. Just teaching them to raid a house and hunt for IEDs is not going to fix the underlying issues in their society.
I think this talk of training Iraqis has been grossly oversimplified in every discussion I've ever heard about it, except for the soldiers who've actually had to try to do it.
Posted by: Sarah at
05:20 AM
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Great post. I have also been so disappointed that the whole theory of: "if you give people boots, they will be able to pull themselves up by the bootstraps" hasn't worked. We have this naive idea in America, which goes along with the Welfare system, etc, that if we just give people a little help, they will turn their lives around. We always think they will use the system how we would. But that so very rarely happens. But we nevertheless start new programs. It's strange that we didn't really recognize this, but the Bush-Doctrine makes about as much sense as throwing money at any social ill we have in this country.
Phil Carter also has a post up about this, where he made mention that the report doesn't quote or seem to have referenced anyone lower than a Lt. Col. which is disturbing seeing as they aren't as close to the action as many enlisted and lower level officers.
Posted by: CaliValleyGirl at December 10, 2006 07:04 AM (deur4)
Here's that link:
I was especially interested in bg's comments.
Posted by: Sarah at December 10, 2006 07:58 AM (7Wklx)
You are 100% correct to say that the Iraqis need to love their country above all else or they'll never fight for it.
In other posts, I describe in more detail the need to separate the nation into three federations with three governments. I believe this would go a long way in love of country and motivation to serve. Sunnis would be more apt to defend the nation of Sunni; likewise with the Kurds and Shia.
I also believe they need to be trained outside the country to ensure safety and avoid infiltration. Many trainees have been killed by insurgents and many others are insurgents. If you go outside Iraq to train them, you can monitor their status and keep them alive until they're ready to serve. They may never adopt American ideals and standards, but at this point, we only want them to be able to keep some semblance of order.
Posted by: PoliticalCritic at December 10, 2006 08:26 AM (p7CUq)
You make a good argument for leaving Iraq. We can't train them. They can't learn to be free. We can't teach them to "love" their country. What the hell is wrong with them?
We need to leave. Sorry folks, didn't mean to fuck up your country. Bye bye, good luck.
Posted by: Robert at December 10, 2006 08:08 PM (9R9sC)
"In order to teach someone to stand up and fight for his own country, you have to teach him to love his country above everything else. How do you teach that?"
Well said, and this is what bothers me. I can so relate to this post.
Posted by: Andi at December 11, 2006 05:00 AM (OzAse)
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December 07, 2006
On this day that will
live in infamy:
No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory.
I believe I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make very certain that this form of treachery shall never endanger us again.
Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory and our interests are in grave danger.
With confidence in our armed forces - with the unbounding determination of our people - we will gain the inevitable triumph - so help us God.
Posted by: Sarah at
01:40 AM
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Post contains 124 words, total size 1 kb.
Rally, rally, rally! Wait, we aleady won that war. Lately methinks you've been wishing you had a time machine and were living in 1941. I know you would respond with something like "this is a different time and a different kind of war, but it's all for the same cause and is just as important."
But I've come to the decision that any war that can't be won militarily, on the battlefield, soldier versus soldier and general versus general, isn't a war that is in Amerca's interest to win.
If torture and the lifting of habeas corpus from your citizens and widespread domestic spying and all of that bash-the-UN-crap is needed, that means something is very wrong at the root of your cause.
I have to admit to myself that even I wish we lived in better times - times like 1941 even. I mean, we took some big punches that year, but our grandfathers stepped it up big in pursuit of a noble cause. But, here we are. And don't get me wrong - we live in interesting times. It's the most interesting time in the history of human beings I'm sure. So I'm not bored, at least.
Posted by: Will at December 07, 2006 10:22 AM (QRBGL)
Great speech. Shocking that it's been 60+ years since.
Posted by: PoliticalCritic at December 09, 2006 01:43 PM (fXDWP)
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December 06, 2006
I'm with
Lileks on this one: I like hearing about people's jobs. I guess soldiers must have massive experience with wives not being interested in their shop talk, because they always apologize for talking about it. But I love it. I want to know what people do, especially if it's something I know nothing about. My father has been in heating and cooling since college, and only recently have I started to understand what he does. I had the good fortune of being home on vacation on the night he taught a class on load estimating. He thought I was doodling the whole time; I was actually
taking notes. And asking him questions in the car on the way home.
In fact, this desire to learn about other people's jobs was the source of my latest knitting project. One of my friends in Germany taught me binary code, which prompted me to make this:

With light blue being 1 and dark blue being 0, the bag says 01101101 01111001 00100000 01100010 01100001 01100111, or "my bag". Oh, and the handle says 01001001 00100000 01110010 01110101 01101100 01100101, or "I rule".
Binary is awesome. I'm so glad my friend taught me.
Posted by: Sarah at
05:24 AM
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Post contains 206 words, total size 1 kb.
)) Your so kind post made me smile!
Posted by: Jess at December 07, 2006 04:30 AM (W6pOy)
For geeks like me, that bag Rocks! Too Cool!
Posted by: Vonn at December 07, 2006 04:57 PM (/VoEr)
As my brother's shirt says,
"There are 10 kinds of people in the world; those who understand binary, and those who don't."
Posted by: piercello at December 07, 2006 05:09 PM (EZcuZ)
and my favorite t-shirt says "Cat and husband lost. Reward for cat"
Posted by: Nan at December 11, 2006 08:22 PM (wMSNf)
I think some people don't like their jobs and then they don't like to talk about their jobs.
Posted by: Amy at December 13, 2006 12:21 PM (DWNNI)
That is one cool bag you've got there.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at December 18, 2006 01:40 AM (xyVrU)
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December 05, 2006
When I wrote my 100 Things post, some guy commented that I was narcissistic for talking about myself so much. I cracked up, because isn't that the very point of a 100 Things post? I found a post on Keeping the Faith at Fort Carson called
63 Things You Never Cared to Know About Me. If you really don't care, skip it. If you want, read the extended entry.
Posted by: Sarah at
11:12 AM
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Post contains 1446 words, total size 8 kb.
I liked these questions...
and you should have told him "he" was the narcisist for thinking you would give a !@#$ about what "he" had to say...
Posted by: armywifetoddlermom at December 05, 2006 06:58 PM (GzzGi)
I loved this one:
10) Would you move for the person you loved? Sure. How 'bout next week?
Oh, and I love San Antonio too...
Posted by: Andi at December 06, 2006 08:11 AM (OzAse)
*some* guy should get over himself! Nobody held a gun to his head and made him read. If you want to read, go ahead.....if you don't go away. It's just rude when people go to blogs like ours and leave insulting comments. On the other hand, over at my blog, there is a guy who cracks wise. However, I gave birth to him 25 years ago and have to suck it up.
Posted by: Maggie at December 06, 2006 05:25 PM (A5SFX)
#63 Please don't bury me is one of my favorite songs to play. It always makes people laugh.
Posted by: Titan Mk6B at December 08, 2006 11:43 AM (Xpukq)
So I'm sitting here in SA visiting my son and his wife. She has just started chemo for breast cancer, the temperature is very low, it just sleeted a while ago, and we are doing what we can to help the cause.
I wish it would snow. Christmas before last we had snow in Rockport, 8 inches of the miracle stuff for us.
Anyway I can relate to some of your answers, like the sheets thing. I used to think we should have a lending or rental library for sheets and dinnerware. I like variety. No one has room in a linen closet or china closet for all the patterns I would like to have.
And the cell phone. I can always hear mine beeping, it says "feed me,feed me,"so I get up and pad into the kitchen, a long walk from my bedroom, and plug the thing in!
I count my blessing though, at my age some people can't hear well enough to worry about a hungry cell phone.
Posted by: Ruth H at December 08, 2006 02:40 PM (eWQeg)
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What happens when they pack you out for a PCS is that invariably you will start to have desires for belongings you haven't looked at in years. The minute your stuff goes in boxes, you'll find yourself saying something like, "Honey, remember that Korean woman I taught English to five years ago? No? Well, when we get home I'll show you a picture. Oh wait. Nevermind." All of a sudden you'll have indescribable urges to look up the Whiskey Rebellion in your old history textbook, a book you haven't touched in ten years. It never fails, every PCS.
I miss my stuff already.
Oooh, and we had female movers. Heavenly. Male movers want you out of their way so they can do their job as quickly as possible. Female movers ask you questions about how you want something packed, whether you actually meant to leave this item out to take with you, and so on. All my worries dissipated when women walked through the front door.
Posted by: Sarah at
02:45 AM
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Post contains 168 words, total size 1 kb.
When we packed out from Fort Knox heading to Germany we had two sweet ladies who packed us . . . they were so kind and very careful with our stuff and turns out they were German. Everything made it safe and sound . . . nothing broke except for the bottle of vanilla that I smuggled after they finished their job! At least it smelled good when that box was opened; it masked the sweet smell of natural fertilizer in Germany.
Posted by: Heidi at December 05, 2006 08:52 AM (E0L31)
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