November 30, 2005
The other day I lost my temper with people who look down their noses at those in the military. Therefore, information on this study caught my attention on the news this morning.
Debunking the myth of the underprivileged soldier
According to a comprehensive study of all enlistees for the years 1998-99 and 2003 that The Heritage Foundation just released, the typical recruit in the all-volunteer force is wealthier, more educated and more rural than the average 18- to 24-year-old citizen is. Indeed, for every two recruits coming from the poorest neighborhoods, there are three recruits coming from the richest neighborhoods.
In fact, since the 9/11 attacks, more volunteers have emerged from the middle and upper classes and fewer from the lowest-income groups. In 1999, both the highest fifth of the nation in income and the lowest fifth were slightly underrepresented among military volunteers. Since 2001, enlistments have increased in the top two-fifths of income levels but have decreased among the lowest fifth.
Allegations that recruiters are disproportionately targeting blacks also don't hold water. First, whites make up 77.4% of the nation's population and 75.8% of its military volunteers, according to our analysis of Department of Defense data.
Second, we explored the 100 three-digit ZIP code areas with the highest concentration of blacks, which range from 24.1% black up to 68.6%. These areas, which account for 14.6% of the adult population, produced 16.6% of recruits in 1999 and only 14.1% in 2003.
The full reports can be read here:
Is Iraq a Poor Man's War?
Who Bears the Burden? Demographic Characteristics of U.S. Military Recruits Before and After 9/11
And for the guy who doesn't think anyone joins these days "for flag and country", what do you make of this?
After September 11, 2001, the educational quality of recruits rose slightly. Comparing 1999 enlisted recruits to 2003 recruits showed an increase in colÂÂlegiate experience. In 2003, a higher proportion of recruits had college experience and diplomas, and a lower percentage had only a high school diploma— a shift of about 3 percentage points.
That statistic would include close-to-my-heart recruit Tyler Prewitt, who left the baseball team at Phoenix College to enlist after September 11th and died in OIF II.
For flag and country.
Posted by: Sarah at
05:59 AM
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TP sounds like he was an exceptional young man. God Bless him and his family.
Posted by: Vonn at November 30, 2005 11:32 AM (dEgRi)
These statistics are all fine and dandy, but it just reveals just how much one can tweak the rhetoric by presenting other aspects of statistics. The USA Today article (don't have time to read Heritage foundation aticle at this point) went into great pains to pick out minutae from different sides of the same statistics.
I think what this reveals is not that the Heritage foundation got it all wrong--in fact, I think they got it all right. But, that everyone is skewing all of these things to fit a goal or another. Statistics never lie, because they don't tell us anything to begin with. Well...they do tell us some things, but they tell us things that are far, far less significant than we assume them to be.
(and that racial make-up is also deceptive. The biggest issue many people have when it comes to the racial make-up of the military is not that there are not enough white soldiers, but there are not enough black soldiers in the higher ranks. Now, I don't necessarily experience this first hand because my ROTC batallion has a lot of black and latino cadres. But I heard a statistic somewhere--please don't quote me on this--that the enlisted units are ~45% minority. The issue isn't how many people are in, but where those people are allocated, and why.)
Posted by: John at November 30, 2005 12:32 PM (enIP4)
Points taken. If you do have time, I would suggest reading at least the beginning of the "Is Iraq a Poor Man's War" article: that's where they address how other widely-published studies were flawed. Interesting stuff.
Posted by: Sarah at November 30, 2005 12:57 PM (zrXTX)
My 17 year old daughter has 4 friends 1 girl and 3 boys who all leave for boot camp right after Christmas. All are white, high school grads, 3 are middle class and 1 is upper middle class.
Posted by: Patti at November 30, 2005 03:40 PM (2hEo4)
So that no one interprets my anti-Bush stance as anti-military, let me make a point that I think is important and that people who complain about the disproportionate number of minority soldiers tend to miss. One reason that the military attracts a disproportionate number of minority soldiers is that it makes real efforts to treat them fairly. Their race is not an obstacle to their advancement the way it would often be in the private sector. Of course this hasn't always been true in the military, but it has made considerable strides in overcoming its racist legacy.
Posted by: Pericles at November 30, 2005 07:21 PM (eKf5G)
Military as racist is dumb, but I don't know about debunking the economic aspect. For the job seeker, the military is practically accessible in ways that other fields are not. For the less-credentialed, the military is a viable option where other options are out of reach. I view the accessibility of the military as a positive, not a negative. You still have to earn it, but opportunities for social advancement are real and honest in the military.
You touch on a theory I've held since 9/11 that the over-all number of recruits would drop (temporarily?) but the quality of recruits would rise. Before 9/11, the Army recruiting pitch was mainly about economic self-interest, which makes sense for a peace-time Army. Soldiering is more than a job, but many soldiers I knew in peace-time approached it as a job only. It was a lower standard that was acceptable because we were not at war. Calculations necessarily change in war-time. Based on the 'obsolete' peace-time economic-based recruiting pitch for a military now at war, it makes sense that the number of recruits would drop. At the same time, a higher ratio of those who join now are probably more inclined to be real 24/7 Soldiers and not minimum standard types. The quality should rise. I think that's a trade-off that in the long run, works better for the military: better soldiers, better leaders.
For my part, I ETSed before 9/11 to attend Columbia, and as proud as I was to be a soldier, I wouldn't have seriously considered returning. With the war changing and improving the quality of the military, though, I've been thinking seriously about going back in ... as a Columbia grad.
Posted by: Eric at November 30, 2005 09:08 PM (WgdtA)
A friend of mine used to have this to say about statistics......
"Figures don't lie ,but, liars figure."
Kinda changed my perspective on statistical analysis of anything.
Posted by: Pamela at December 01, 2005 10:52 AM (E/5rx)
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November 29, 2005
Dang, I just wasted a lot of time playing around with these
lists of celebrity Republicans. The most surprising people? 50 Cent and John Malkovich.
I emailed my friends about 50 Cent and said "Did you know that 50 Cent would've voted for Bush if he weren't a convicted felon?" And then I realized that sentence has a grammatically ambiguous modifier...except for the fact that there's nothing ambiguous about which of them is the felon. So does that make the sentence ambiguous or not?
Man, I wish I was still in touch with my best friend from college; we'd have a blast analyzing that one.
Posted by: Sarah at
12:58 PM
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come on Sarah, diagram that sentence...
you know that it is ambiguous as written.
C+ for effort.
Posted by: MajMike at November 29, 2005 02:29 PM (zXWkt)
I'm not arguing that it's not *grammatically* ambiguous, but what I'm asking -- from a Descriptive point of view -- is whether *meaning* should count at all for ambiguity.
Posted by: Sarah at November 29, 2005 02:34 PM (3l/e2)
Can we just agree to say that there is no ambiguity about which one has been convicted?
Posted by: Pericles at November 29, 2005 10:00 PM (eKf5G)
I knew what you meant. :-)
Posted by: Erin at November 30, 2005 06:39 AM (AUtEP)
How about, "...had he not been convicted of a felonious crime", or "...had he not been a convicted felon"?
Love your site, Sarah, and wish you and your Captain a great Christmas and New Year.
Posted by: Jim Shawley at November 30, 2005 08:06 PM (bKR1b)
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We've got a problem: Charlie loves snow. So much that I can't get him out of it. And he's become a huge faker, ringing the bell that he has to go to the bathroom just so he can go outside and play. Ugh. I think I took him outside six times already today! He likes to burrow in the snow, flip it up in the air with his nose, and then eat it.
What a weirdo.
Posted by: Sarah at
12:25 PM
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I need a photo of that!
Posted by: Heidi at November 29, 2005 03:49 PM (yuTUu)
Weird to us, normal for a dang dog..LOL
Mine do the same thing, they're begging to go out every 10 minutes just so they can play.
Fortunately for me, I can just open the door and let them run - I can stand inside and watch their antics .
Posted by: Tink at November 29, 2005 04:50 PM (S6VXg)
Yeah, I can't wait until we have a fenced yard!
Posted by: Sarah at November 29, 2005 05:00 PM (3l/e2)
I eventually had to take Tori's "doorbell" away from her. It was the electronic kind, and she would just stand on it until she got what she wanted. Plus, it would sometimes get stuck on its own... ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong.... Teehee!
We don't get snow here, but the rain should start pretty soon... then we'll have muddy paws in and out all day!
Posted by: Mrs. Smash at November 29, 2005 07:53 PM (VSQ54)
My dog is the same way. She will lie in the snow and let you cover her up in it. She just thinks that snow is the best thing and doesn't care that your hands are to numb to keep making the snowballs she catches and eats.
Posted by: Household6 at November 30, 2005 02:22 AM (T+Tkq)
I don't care if you eavesdrop on my boring site! I hope to find out tonight about the baby...
Winston has gotten out twice already...I was taking him out the other night and he started to run down towards your house, I had to let him go so he wouldn't take me sledding (I had on Jason's shoes, no socks)...Jason had to run after him and "football tackle" him down by your yard! CRAZY HUGE DOG!
Posted by: Stephanie at November 30, 2005 03:01 AM (MOoZ+)
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November 28, 2005
November 27, 2005
God bless the
Stars and Stripes. For being a military newspaper, I'm often stunned at how many anti-war, anti-Bush opinion columns they print. I know I don't want to read that garbage, but maybe someone does, and they provide the service, even when it makes our president and our military look bad. Usually I just read the online version, so I don't bother with the AP junk, but occasionally I'll come across a hard copy of the paper and want to throw up, as I did when I read
this piece, in which the author muses what his life would be like if he'd had to join the military...
What if, for instance, my parents hadn't gone into debt to provide me with a private-school education and the benefits it affords? What if, instead, I had taken the path followed by many in my hometown and pursued my American dream through the military? And what if I was writing these words not from the comfort of my office but from a forward operating base somewhere in the Sunni Triangle?
Perhaps this all can be written off as a neurotic intellectual exercise. But the persistent rumors of a draft (unlikely as one might be) do little to reassure.
Yes, many people join the military instead of having mommy and daddy foot their bills. They become adults at age 18 and deploy to the Middle East where their buddies' lives are in their hands as they sit on overnight guard duty at the Tigris River...instead of kickin' it at the frat house drinking Red Bull and vodka until they puke all over some girl and pass out in the bushes. Which life choice makes you more of a man?
Oh, the draft. It's comin' folks. Been comin' for three years. Except there's gonna be a drawdown of troops next year. So when are we all getting drafted?
Now, I'm sure a fair number of those in the military enlisted out of a lack of other options. I know full well that relatively few in my generation buy into the "for flag and country" bit, and that my sense of patriotic guilt would probably make for a good joke or two in the service. And the honest truth is that nothing less than a full-fledged draft could get me to say goodbye to my wife's puppy-dog brown eyes and put on a uniform.
Maybe I just lack the conviction of the soldiers deployed in Iraq. Or maybe they've just lacked my good fortune. Which of the two is the case, I'm not quite sure.
Actually, I know quite a few soldiers who joined "for flag and country", and I know many who joined just because they wanted a job but end up staying for their country. My husband called the Army a "labor of love" the other day; he could get out and see what other jobs he could find, but he stays out of a sense of purpose and duty.
And, yes, I bet many of them would think you're a tool.
You probably do indeed lack conviction. Not everyone considers it the Worst Possible Thing In The World to get deployed. Some people, my husband included, think it's the most important thing they've done with their lives, and though they don't necessarily cherish the thought of deploying for another year and missing out on their own wives' puppy-dog eyes, they are more than willing to do whatever it takes to see Iraq succeed.
At the very least, when I read about the next soldier killed in combat, I'll make sure to take five minutes out of my privileged day to wonder: There but for the grace of God go I, drunk and naked, screaming bloody suicide at the thought of going back to Iraq.
And that is precisely why we don't want a draft.
There's nothing wrong with not wanting to go to Iraq. It's a normal, natural feeling. But I'm sick and tired of these crap-ass op-eds looking down their noses at soldiers. A fancy-pants degree doesn't make you better than someone who joined the Army. Can you repair track on a tank? Can you accurately fire a 50-cal? Can you make a delicious sugar cookie out of the remnants of your MRE? Oh, you can write. Judging from MilBlogs, so can most soldiers who don't have the "good fortune" of a "private-school education and the benefits it affords". They're writing and selling books, in addition to being mechanics, marksmen, chemists, nurses, and diplomats.
And I'm not convinced many of them would want to trade places with you.
Posted by: Sarah at
07:54 AM
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Interesting article and counter post where you take the guy apart piece by piece.
To be brutally honest, I don't want to go to Iraq although my command's asked me if I want to volunteer a number of times. I'm 43, I fulfilled my military obligation in 1989...although I didn't get out until 1992. I spend the remaining 12 years of my 20 in the IRR never having been called up. Last year I was unceremoniously tossed out of the IRR for not having completed Command and General Staff College to make me competitive for promotion to LTC and continued service. And actually, I was fine with that. I have a new life, a new wife, and two wonderful daughters. My days of 'walking the line' are over and I'm damned glad there are young men and women willing to take my place....just as I took the place of the Vietnam era veterans in the early 80s.
I agree with you that the author of this piece underestimates and doesn't understand the mindset that draw those of that serve into the military.
Some of us do it for the benefits...can't argue that the military has a pretty sweet benefits package that you're never going to find on the "outside."
Others do it for the education, experience and discipline that the military provides. There's nothing wrong with a kid out of high school making a decision to go out and see the world with one of the branches of the American military before buckling down and going to college, if that's where they're headed eventually. I have to admit, if I'm presented two candidates for a job position and they're exactly the same right down the line, the applicant with a military pedigree is going to get the job every time!
In any case, I've gotten out of hand yet again...posting like this was my blog. I know, I know...just the comments, MajorDad!
See you on the high ground...and thank you for your family's service!
Posted by: MajorDad1984 at November 27, 2005 10:55 AM (tdEnf)
I have no patience for people who bad-mouth the military. Usually, and that is probably the case with this author, they have never personally met a soldier...just seen one on TV. I love it how he speculates about soldiers, speculates about their motivations, and you just know, that he has never really talked with one.
Oh, the ignorance.
I'll make sure to take five minutes out of my privileged day to wonder: There but for the grace of God go I, ignorant and haughty, screaming bloody suicide at the thought of being so cowardly and misled.
Posted by: CaliValleyGirl at November 27, 2005 11:00 AM (cxkhg)
Pretty good job at slapping the idiot. I bet you are a Whack A Mole Queen with the keyboard. Good job, gal. You said it better than the rest of us can.
Posted by: Subsunk at November 27, 2005 07:21 PM (SBriA)
Hey Sarah,
Man, I've read your blog a while (lurked I guess?) and never commented, but now after reading this, I want to find you and hug you.
This made my day!
Posted by: Christy at November 27, 2005 10:33 PM (FcWi1)
What if, for instance, my parents hadn't gone into debt to provide me with a private-school education and the benefits it affords?
Well, he could have got a part-time job and worked his way through community college. He could have got a job that doesn't require a college degree. (They do exist. I don't have a degree, and I've never wanted for employment.) He could have... lots of things.
But yeah, the killer line:
There but for the grace of God go I, drunk and naked, screaming bloody suicide at the thought of going back to Iraq.
He'd be peeling potatoes at boot camp for the duration with that attitude.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at November 28, 2005 12:57 AM (RbYVY)
I've seen this article before and yes that's EXACTLY why I don't want the draft. I would try to get there myself because I wouldn't want this man watching the six of my husband. So he can stay in his namby-pamby protected world while those that serve keep him and his private education a safe place to sleep at night.
Posted by: Houshold6 at November 28, 2005 06:33 AM (T+Tkq)
Posted by: Vonn at November 28, 2005 03:29 PM (dEgRi)
. . . most soldiers who don't have the "good fortune" of a "private-school education and the benefits it affords".
Why not have the best of both worlds? I'm pre-9/11, but in our student group, we have a growing number of OIF and OEF vets. In 2002, our president was earning his Bronze Star with 1st Bat in Afghanistan at the Ambush of Takur Ghar.
Eric Chen
Vice President
U.S. Military Veterans of Columbia University
Posted by: Eric at November 28, 2005 07:18 PM (8g/Ur)
There were times in Iraq that I got pretty disgusted with the editorial content of S&S. A lot of us said we'd stop reading it if it weren't the only daily paper available. We constantly questioned "whose side are they on?"
I've turned down better paying jobs to return to the Army and stay Army. There is a sense of purpose that I can't find in the civilian world.
Posted by: Raven1 at November 28, 2005 10:05 PM (N1rEE)
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Several people have asked about Charlie's Thanksgiving. We're not much for giving him table scraps, but he did hang out in the kitchen most of the day while we were preparing the food, scrounging what fell on the floor -- a bit of ham here, a crumb of bread there. But when we all sat down at the table, we heard an ominous noise from the living room. The husband remembered that our platter of summer sausage and cheese was still on the coffee table. I raced in to find Charlie wolfing down as much as he could before we caught him.
About an hour later, Kelly's son came in the kitchen and whispered, "Um, Charlie threw up." We all had a good laugh at the pile on the dining room floor: three un-chewed pieces of cheese and two un-chewed slices of sausage. No time for chewing when you have to eat as much as you can before someone finds you, right?
Because we had a full house, Charlie didn't get any naps that day. When everyone left after dinner, he crashed for the night. I think he had a pretty exciting Thanksgiving.
Posted by: Sarah at
04:01 AM
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Puppies and dogs aren't real great on chewing anything to eat, just what you don't want them to chew. They generally gulp things down, specially if they are doing it clandestinly. We have had dogs eat a lot of goodies, a to z, and most don't throw up from it. The last ones we have had cannot seem to digest turkey or sausage and throw that up. They do really well with cheese though. Too much of even a good thing will also cause that effect.
Posted by: Ruth H at November 27, 2005 02:41 PM (Hm/K4)
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November 24, 2005
We cooked for six hours, and our knees and feet are killing us. And so are our stomachs! But it was worth every minute...
I like what Lileks said about Thanksgiving:
ItÂ’s a day that stands aside from the rest, a day on which the simplest and most essential things are revealed as gifts of indescribable worth. And then thereÂ’s pie.
Posted by: Sarah at
03:19 PM
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You girls look so cute! "Rachel" would be so proud of you!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by: Nancy at November 25, 2005 02:28 AM (Z+RCN)
I can only imagine how much fun you all had
Posted by: The Girl at November 26, 2005 03:30 AM (naaPi)
It's so fun to have such good friends when your family can't be close
I miss my "Germany Friends"!
Posted by: Angie D at November 26, 2005 12:49 PM (SA3c9)
P.S. Did the dogs have a good Thanksgiving?
Miss you..
Posted by: Kelly's mom at November 27, 2005 12:17 AM (WXHIS)
Ahh look at my sister. You guys look great, I miss ya'll! Hopefully we'll be back over next spring. Happy holidays!
Posted by: Casey at November 27, 2005 01:38 PM (WXHIS)
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November 23, 2005
Yesterday I wrote a post that I wanted to put up right before Thanksgiving; today it seems absurd to post something so uplifting when I feel so hopeless. Two horrible things happened today to shake my faith in humanity. Sometimes I hate human beings so much, and I fear I'll never be able to grok what makes people do the things they do. I'd never make a good pacifist: some people deserve extinction.
Nothing like heading into Thanksgiving in despair...
But I wrote this cheery post, and I want to still use it. I want to remember that though there are awful, evil people in this world, some people make up for it. And if anyone can make up for it, it's these two.
Two years ago, I was very frustrated that I was losing all my college friends because of my blog. I went through a very rough patch where numerous friends emailed and said they didn't like me anymore because of my views. When my grandmother died, I learned a hard lesson:
I wish I had friends that I could talk to about how I feel about the world. I have my husband and my mother, and that is basically it...and my mother lives an ocean away and my husband will be gone for a year. We're new to our post here in Germany so I don't have any strong relationships yet, and despite my efforts, I don't hear from my old friends that often. When my grandmother died, I called my mom's best friend to talk about it, and I realized how pathetic I am that I don't have anyone I can count on anymore. And the few relationships I've been trying to hang on to really disappointed me this past week.
But I've been thinking about something lately, something that always makes me smile and know that now, two years later, I do have friends who care.
I met Erin in recycling class here. (Seriously, it's so intense we have to attend a class.) She and I were the only ones who showed up that day, and she gave me a ride home afterwards. We didn't really become friends so much as we became two people who really enjoyed running into each other on accident. When she started working at the commissary, I always was excited to go grocery shopping because I knew I could get in Erin's lane and talk to her for at least a couple of minutes.
I went to the commissary the day after my grandmother died, and when Erin asked how I was doing, for some reason I opened up and told her instead of just saying that I was fine. Erin looked at me and tears started welling up in her eyes. She said how sorry she was and how bad she felt for me. It was so touching because she was just someone I ran into in the grocery line, while friends I'd known for years had failed me. I knew that day that there was something special about Erin.
When the deployment started, Erin got a new and much better job working with a girl named Kelly. Kelly had the morning shift and Erin the afternoon, so when I got off work I would always pop next door for the last half hour of Erin's shift. One evening I stopped by to show off my newly knitted sweater, and it was Kelly in the office instead of Erin. I remember her being friendly but shy, and later Erin told me that Kelly had been so nervous to meet me that she didn't even say anything about the beautiful sweater I was wearing! Hilarious, since that was the reason I was looking for Erin in the first place.
During the deployment, I spent a lot of time popping in and out of their work. I taught them to knit and they taught me to quilt, though they've been much more prolific at their new craft than I have. I shared Thanksgiving with Kelly and Christmas with Erin, which was so generous because Erin's husband came home for R&R on Christmas morning: they opened their home to me on the day of their reunion.
The most exciting day was early in our budding friendship when Erin casually said something like, "I don't know what your views are, but I support the President and the War on Terror." You could hear my heart jumping out of my chest. We began to talk politics, longwindedly and often, and I learned that Erin and Kelly are basically South Park Republicans like me. Kelly and I bought Erin a W t-shirt for her birthday, and I've shared many a Larry Elder and Dinesh D'Souza book with them. Finally I had friends in my life, right here in the flesh and not just in cyber-land, who shared my worldview. And so I opened myself up and shared my blog address with them.
When Bunker died, I went right to Kelly's house. When I read an article that makes me so mad I could spit, I call Erin. Any time my heart hurts, any time I feel happy or sad, any time the dog does something to make me want to strangle him, I call their office. They trade shifts often, but most of the time I don't even care which one of them answers the phone, as long as Erin or Kelly is there to listen to me.
This Thanksgiving, I'm so grateful for my two best friends. I'm grateful that I met Erin, the wonderful girl who cried until Kelly and I let her take home a wounded stray dog, only to find that she's now mothering four unexpected puppies. I'm grateful that Erin introduced me to Kelly, a mother whose heart is so big that she's offered to adopt a relative's children in their time of need. Both of them are such bigger people than I am, and every day I thank heavens that I met them and wonder how on earth I'm going to part from them next year. But for today, I'm simply happy that all three of our families will sit down at the table together and share a fabulous Thanksgiving meal. (And it will be fabulous. We're making everything from scratch, and we even bought matching aprons for the occasion!)
Thank you, Erin and Kelly, for showing me that it is possible to have friends I can completely be myself around, even if Erin does make fun of my Richard Simmons exercise regime.
Posted by: Sarah at
04:18 PM
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Yes, friends and family make me feel so blessed.
And Richard am speechless.
Posted by: CaliValleyGirl at November 23, 2005 06:29 PM (oAGxf)
Don't start thinking about having to "part" as friends next year . . . enjoy the moment! I had a hard time leaving "my wife" . . . but we still talk all the time. Take photos of the three of you when you are just hanging out being silly . . . it makes for a great going away gift! You will run into them again, I promise . . . it is the Army way and you will make every effort to keep in touch! Nothing can keep girls apart not even miles!
Posted by: H. Sims at November 23, 2005 11:03 PM (gMjwx)
Ok, so I'm crying when I'm supposed to be heading to your house. I feel so blessed to have both you and Kelly as dear friends. I love you so much Sarah.
Posted by: Erin at November 24, 2005 05:24 AM (GMkl/)
I've learned in life to cherish and to do my best to hold onto the truly good people, because they are the exception, not the rule. They're precious.
In other words, count your blessings.
Posted by: Eric at November 24, 2005 02:49 PM (8TPnt)
I don't know what happened to make it such a dark day for you, but there are a lot more people out here who agree with you and are happy to read your viewpoints. Good friends will stick by you no matter what, no matter what you believe, no matter who you love and no matter what you do.
Posted by: Mare at November 24, 2005 07:15 PM (vLplQ)
So we can safely assume that you've never distanced yourself from friends because of THEIR politics?
(Just kidding.) Happy Thanksgiving.
Posted by: Pericles at November 24, 2005 11:42 PM (eKf5G)
A late Happy Thanksgiving!
I know what it is like to lose friends due to political convictions, happy you found some there. AND you taught them to knit! Lucky them ((:
Posted by: zib at November 26, 2005 08:02 AM (+xbrC)
Now I'm sitting here crying while I read your blog Sarah, I miss my Kelly but I'm so happy she has good friends like you and Erin..You all look great...Love you,
Posted by: Kelly's mom at November 27, 2005 12:16 AM (WXHIS)
That was so sweet! I'm so happy that you all found each other.
Hold on tight, because great friends are hard to find.
Posted by: Vonn at November 27, 2005 08:50 PM (sDFje)
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November 22, 2005
A couple weeks ago I made a note to send my parents an anniversary card. Then I did the mental math and realized that this was their 30th. Yikes, I had to do better than a card! Anyway, I hope you two like what we sent. Congrats on making it to 30, especially in this day and age. I love you...
Posted by: Sarah at
11:29 AM
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We loved your card and gifts. You put alot of thought into it. I didn't even know that the 30th was "pearl" and we love our silver and mother-of-pearl keyrings engraved with our names-"Mom" and "Dad". Dad put our keys on them, and now you'll know that I'm always thinking of you when I'm on the go! Dad retired the key ring I gave him when we were dating. That key ring lasted for thirty years, so here's hoping the new ones will be put to good use for another thirty years!!
Love you,
Posted by: Nancy at November 23, 2005 03:23 AM (Z+RCN)
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Today the US military is offically
handing over FOB Danger to the Iraqis. That's a great step in getting Iraq on her own feet. I was struck by the last paragraph in the article:
It was a bittersweet year for the Big Red One, with more than 100 soldiers killed and 1,000 wounded but great advances in combined operations with new, better-led Iraqi army units and 2,000 reconstruction projects worth about $1 billion.
The emphasis is mine, because what struck me was how the Stars and Stripes gets the "but" right. Most journalists seem to flip the two clauses: some nice stuff is happening, but it's a quagmire and American deaths is the most important thing. Stars and Stripes gets the focus just right, as usual. 1ID had a rough year in Iraq, but they accomplished so much. It's the accomplishments we should be focused on -- what these soldiers and marines did with their lives -- not the death toll.
Good on you, Stars and Stripes.
Posted by: Sarah at
04:14 AM
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God, I laughed. I read the piece, and as soon as I finished the quoted part, I was all, like, "WTF? What news agency wrote this? This seems, dare I think it, positive?"
I clicked the link and laughed.
"Oh that's right. No MSM outlet would write this way. It made me feel good about Iraq."
Check out my most recent post in my resurrected blog for why I feel that way.
Posted by: Sean at November 23, 2005 01:06 PM (FJ2Bh)
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November 21, 2005
Apparently the American Film Institute is trying to pick the most inspirational film of all time. Good luck. The list of nominees is long, including movies that definitely belong (
Apollo 13,
Stand and Deliver) and some dubious choices as well (
Ferris Bueller's Day Off?
Moulin Rouge?)
John Hawkins has a good list of his own choices; I agree with most of his picks, especially
Spider-Man 2 and
Rocky. I'd add a few movies of my own that either bring me to tears or have me jumping out of my seat cheering:
12 Angry Men, From the Earth to the Moon, The Great Escape, To Kill a Mockingbird, Rudy, The Lord of the Rings, Miracle, Amistad and
Band of Brothers. In no particular order, all of which made the cut except for the HBO ones. Props to the AFI for including
The Karate Kid, which is one of my all-time favorites, even if it is a bit cheesy. (For the record, my husband said that he never laughed so hard as he did in
There's Something About Mary at the line "I guess I just wish they made movies like they used to make. You know, classics like
The Karate Kid" because he thought that was the dumbest thing he'd ever heard. But the joke's on him, because his paycheck bought the whole trilogy.)
Posted by: Sarah at
09:49 AM
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Posted by: Stephen Macklin at November 21, 2005 10:22 AM (UquFN)
My all time favorite movie
I started crying before Gus died and continued crying throught the rest of the movie..
Posted by: Beth at November 21, 2005 11:54 AM (AeCM/)
hands down bestest mostest inspirational ever:
can't be beat.
Posted by: MajMike at November 21, 2005 03:26 PM (zXWkt)
Hands down Passion of the Christ and Saving Private Ryan.
Or really, any Spielberg movie'll work.
Posted by: John at November 21, 2005 04:22 PM (enIP4)
MIRACLE--my most inspirational movie...and of course, the army wife in me loves "We were soldiers" although sometimes it hits a little too close to home. Good picks.
Posted by: Nicole at November 22, 2005 12:48 AM (KJBDI)
I gotta go with Star Wars.
Posted by: Pericles at November 22, 2005 03:57 AM (eKf5G)
Band of Brothers gets my vote. Though it's not a movie, it still brings out so much emotion EVERYTIME I watch it.
Posted by: Vonn at November 22, 2005 10:48 AM (dEgRi)
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Today Charlie experienced his first snow. At first, he wouldn't even leave the sidewalk, but once I stepped into the snow and he saw that it would clump up and he could
eat it...well, it was on. He was having the greatest time, which was cute, but unfortunately it made forcing him to go to the bathroom nearly impossible. He had a blast romping around, and he's awful cute with a pile of snow on his nose.
I know I rag on Charlie a lot, but he's been getting much better. This past week has been surprisingly uneventful: he didn't eat anything he wasn't supposed to, save one more knitting needle (I'm just going to have to start putting my projects away while I'm not working on them.) He's been sleeping ten to eleven hours at night, and he no longer fusses in the morning to get out of his crate. He's also getting more attached to us and wants to follow us around the house rather than sneak off and chew on stuff. He keeps improving every day.
Posted by: Sarah at
05:27 AM
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One of my favorite bloggers disappears and resurfaces so often I can barely keep up with him. His blog-restarting ritual reminds me of the way the X-man Nightcrawler bamfs into thin air. Since this blogger teleports himself around the blogosphere and pops up where he's least expected, I can no longer keep up with the name of his blog or the name he's using for himself. From here on out, I'm calling him
Bamf. (Deal with it, dude.)
Bamf normally deals in humor alone, so I was surprised to find one of the saddest articles I've read in a long time: the excavation of priceless tokens found at a concentration camp:
A child's ring. Twisted reading glasses. A few gold coins: scraps of personal dignity, hurriedly buried in a last act of defiance to keep them from falling into Nazi hands. Israeli archaeologists helped by survivors are writing a new chapter in the terrible history of the German death camp at Majdanek, Poland, by excavating grounds long thought to be empty.
Their findings show how the doomed Jews furiously dug into the grassy ground with their hands to bury what personal possessions they had with them before they were murdered in the camp's gas chambers.
Posted by: Sarah at
05:14 AM
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The Screedblog's awesome today.
Lileks rips Vonnegut via
The Princess Bride. Priceless.
Posted by: Sarah at
04:50 AM
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Uh that line was NOT uttered by the giant (Fezik), it was said by the spaniard (Inigo Montoya), just one more example of why right wingers are not trusted. What a dipshit.
Posted by: a at November 21, 2005 10:11 PM (4b1rF)
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November 20, 2005
I laughed into my pancakes this morning when my husband told me
Johnny Depp is disillusioned with France:
Hollywood star Johnny Depp is so shocked by the riots raging through France, he's considering abandoning his home in the country.
The FINDING NEVERLAND heart-throb moved to Europe when life in Los Angeles became too violent.
He has since divided time between the two continents - but he fears France will be scarred permanently by the current troubles.
He says, "It's insane, that setting cars on fire is the new strike.
"I went there (to France) to live because it seemed so simple.
"Now it's anything but. I don't know how they'll recover from this."
Hahahahahahaha. Newsflash: life isn't "simple" anywhere.
Posted by: Sarah at
05:24 AM
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I have a red spot on my trou from where my ass is bleeding for the poor sap.
Posted by: Jim - PRS at November 20, 2005 11:00 AM (oowdc)
Wasn't he one of them hollywood types that left the U.S. because we elected Bush and were going to hell in a hand basket? Wonder where he'll go next?
Posted by: Sgt Hook at November 20, 2005 12:18 PM (jlMVG)
Irony is so fun, particularly in the morning, eh?
Maybe he can team up with Gwyneth and Madonna to find an alternative to England and France. Perhaps Antarctica? Pretty sure there is very little terrorism there.
Posted by: JCK at November 20, 2005 01:36 PM (J9ixV)
Sgt Hook:
IIRC, it was less towards the President and more towards America in general. Something about us being like a big dumb puppy or similar.
So we're like Charlie, I guess.
Posted by: Patrick Chester at November 21, 2005 01:18 AM (74cXW)
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November 19, 2005
An excerpt from Cold Fury's
sweet rant on the disheartening damage President Clinton just did (a great post, by the way: read the whole thing):
The Marines and Army are involved in a couple slam bang fights as we speak, reducing a couple large pockets of Al Qaida fighters that have festered for a long time without intervention. Yet day after day, we hear nothing about where the fighting is going on, what’s really happening, who is being apprehended or killed, why the fight is in a particular place, what the strategic significance is, or how our young men and women are making us proud with their dedication to the mission and the country and their workaday, exceptional-is-the-new-ordinary heroism. Instead the only headline I ever see is “two Americans killed.” Or “five Americans killed.” Or “seven Americans injured in bombing.” Really? The only impression I get from the MSM is that the U.S. troops are basically lined up like metal ducks in a shooting gallery, being picked off one at a time without actually doing anything positive, not carrying out missions, whatever. I guess they are just wandering around in the ‘Raq, wearing do rags, listening to the Stones, smokin’ dope and waiting for their hitch to end.
It's such a Woman Thing to ask your husband "What are you thinking?" when he's quiet. (I know, I know, I've listened to Seinfeld, but it's hard not to ask.) More often than not these days, my husband's response is "Iraq". He's thinking about Iraq. Constantly. What he was doing this day last year, what he could've done better, how they could've f-ed up the bad guys a little more in this situation or that, and what he'll do differently the next time he goes. He thinks about it all the time -- about how he can be a more effective soldier, not how poor and miserable he was.
And at no point was he just walking around waiting to get killed or go home.
My husband takes his job seriously, and he took it extra-seriously while he was in Iraq. He put a couple of soldiers in jail for disobeying the rules, for pete's sake. He didn't sit around reading existentialist garbage and thinking about how, like, life has no meaning and war is not the answer. He's not a puppet, he's not a sitting duck, and he's not a mindless automaton under the control of the Bushitler Oil Junta. He's a man who helped the US Military take one more step towards winning the War on Terror.
So maybe, just once, he and the other brave men and women like him could get some good press for a change. Or some indication to the American public that they're winning this war. Is that too much to freaking ask?
Posted by: Sarah at
12:15 PM
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You know, I think the headlines about the number of our soldiers killed reflect the fact that the American public has a great concern for them and values their lives. No one who reads past the headlines would get the impressions that our troops are just sitting around. There was a great deal of reporting, for example, about our increased activity near the Syrian border. And within the last week I saw a report on CNN--the epitome of the "liberal media"---that our offensive there was showing results.
So many of the complaints about the "MSM" involve exactly the same mistake that the MSM is supposed to be guilty of---selective reporting. Cherrypick stories and headlines, and of course you can make the reporting seem incredibly skewed.
Posted by: Pericles at November 20, 2005 09:59 AM (eKf5G)
Your husband is a Real Man who is just trying to be better than he was before. Real Americans know and expect this from him. The MSM are NOT Real Americans. And I'd venture to say, the foreign press wouldn't recognize Real Men even when they slapped them on the face.
Real Americans are proud of you, proud of your husband, intensely proud of Mrs. Sims and her husband's sacrifice, and just generally tickled pink with the way all of you have comported yourselves during this historic, but difficult time. Personally, I compare you all to the Rosie the Riveters, Private Ryan's of Normandy, and the heroes of WWII, male and female, who saved our country, and saved free civilization. You have all done so well when challenged and so bravely continued your duties when called.
While the press will never praise you, Real Americans know you. They love and admire you. Your blogging has significantly improved the number of folks who realize what a national treasure folks like you and your husband are.
It is never easy to live with Real Men. But then, you knew that already, didn't you? Now the rest of us know it too. And we've seen what Real Women are made of as well.
God Bless You all, dear. Don't get discouraged. We are behind you and we want to you be safe and successful. Press on.
Posted by: Subsunk at November 20, 2005 11:20 PM (SBriA)
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Interesting article on what happened to Iraq's WMDs:
Where the WMDs Went
And an article whose name says it all:
I took Saddam's cash, admits French envoy
Read SGT Rausch's letter to Hook: Taste of Freedom
The Real Pro-War Crowd: Who They Are and What They Want (Chaos, Anarchy and Death)
And the Western media ran with a completely despicable fakery, once again: McCarthyism 101
And a good quote on a worthwhile Donald Sensing post:
I stand by every word, including what I wrote about WMDs. Why? Because itÂ’s worth remembering that the only reason we have certainty now about SaddamÂ’s WMD programs is because we invaded Iraq.
Posted by: Sarah at
06:15 AM
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Of course, if Tierney is right then the Bush/Rumsfeld Administration is entirely incompetent. If his drug analogy really holds up, then Bush's role in the story is that of the bumbling police chief. If the rationale for the war was to keep WMDs out of the hands of the bad guys, and now they are safe in Syria, then we utterly failed to accomplish our objective.
Posted by: Pericles at November 20, 2005 09:50 AM (eKf5G)
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November 17, 2005
I joined an elite new webring that I'm really excited about:
I guess that means I need more knitting content on my blog. So for the "knits" end of the deal, here's the sweater I finished yesterday:
And for the "anti-idiotaria" side, read Cold Fury's post on lies (via Hud).
Posted by: Sarah at
04:37 PM
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If it were Elite all members would have to swear on their Addis they would avoid petro yarn like the plague.. Nice knit you got there btw. What pattern/yarn did you use? Cool Read link " To actually lie, one must first have a solid knowledge of the truth. " Ain't that the truth.
Posted by: zib at November 17, 2005 06:00 PM (Kd7EW)
I like it. It makes me wish I were still knitting.
I love that color.
I am going to finish knitting some cotton dishcloths. That's what us old folks do! ;>)
Posted by: Ruth H at November 17, 2005 07:47 PM (VXGpH)
Hi Sarah...I found your blog through Heidi's blog and I have to say, it's great! I admire you...enough patience to knit? Not me. I hope you're enjoying husband and I just returned from a 3-year tour. Enjoy the people and the scenery...they are one of a kind.
Posted by: Nicole at November 18, 2005 12:34 PM (KJBDI)
That sweater gives me an idea for a Christmas gift for the lovely and talented and downright sexy Mrs. Hook, how much?
Posted by: Sgt Hook at November 19, 2005 04:36 AM (jlMVG)
Um, however much you want to give?
Posted by: Sarah at November 19, 2005 05:04 AM (19546)
Sorry, thought I was on ebay there for a minute.
Posted by: Sgt Hook at November 19, 2005 11:32 AM (jlMVG)
I love it!!! Just beautiful! My mom just knit LE a coat that's on display in her shop - it's for next winter. But she said the first one... turned out poooooorly!
Posted by: Lane (from Peoria) at November 29, 2005 12:46 AM (CvKT0)
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November 16, 2005
Yesterday we said good-bye to
Red6. Today he moved on to his next duty station, where he will try to get back to Iraq as fast as he can. His wife deploys next week, and he's hoping to end up with her downrange. I'm so glad that he gets to finally be with his wife, but I'm terribly sad to see him go.
I still remember the first time I met him. My husband came home one night at OBC and asked if he could invite someone over to dinner. Since my husband does not make friends lightly, I knew this guy must be someone special. As they sat and cracked up together over The Simpsons, I knew they were going to be friends.
We moved here to Germany while Red6 was still at Ranger school. Once my husband realized that this duty station was pretty good for a 12A, he called Red6 and suggested he try to get switched to come here. A day later it was done, and Red6 was on his way. He showed up while the unit was at gunnery, so I helped him get settled while the husband was in the field.
My husband's company had a strange mission in Iraq, so for the first six months of his deployment, he didn't even have a "home base": they bounced from FOB to FOB to Najaf and back. But Red6 was stationary, and since he had an internet connection in his room, he really helped me through the deployment while my husband was out of communication. We'd chat about TV and tell our spouses' embarrassing college stories and other silly nonsense. We'd try to work as many Futurama references into our conversations as possible. He was a lifesaver for me when I had no way of hearing from my husband, and I am so grateful that he was such a good friend to me.
I'm really going to miss listening to my husband and Red6 talk shop at the dinner table. Most people might find that really boring, but that's how I've learned most of my information about the Army and deployment: I loved being a fly on the wall while they talked about things that either pumped them up or burned them up. The two of them seemed to agree on most things -- the good and bad about the Army and armor and Iraq -- and they just got along so well. We're really going to miss him.
I know we're going to keep in touch, but I hope we run into each other again someday. I'm glad that he and his wife are finally together again, and I hope they kick butt together in Iraq.
So long, Red6.
I have to say goodbye now. There ain't no turtles where daddy's a-going...
Posted by: Sarah at
10:36 AM
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