November 26, 2007


My husband pointed out the article yesterday about the lady who got herself sterilized because breeding leads to global warming. My immediate reaction? Excellent. Almost with a Mr. Burns accent. If she honestly thinks that, then I don't want her breeding either. So it's a win-win.

Lileks nails it:

She expresses frustration that other people are unable to accept her decision. I suspect she means “my mum” by “other people,” and I suspect she confuses “acceptance” with “full-throated endorsement."

Of course I accept these people’s decisions not to have children. What am I supposed to do, break into their homes, duct-tape them together into the double-backed beast and play whacka-chicka 70s porn soundtracks until they’re in the mood? But “acceptance” is part of the usual recipe: first we must tolerate, which no decent person should have any problem doing. Then we are asked to accept, which for most means slump-shouldered acquiescence. Eventually it’s not the norm, but it’s standing alongside it on stage, nudging its way into the spotlight.

As Mr. Garrison eloquently said, "Look, just because you have to tolerate something doesn't mean you have to approve of it! ... "Tolerate" means you're just putting up with it! You tolerate a crying child sitting next to you on the airplane or, or you tolerate a bad cold. It can still piss you off! Jesus Tapdancing Christ!"

And Lileks has more. Much more. Plus funny reviews of Redacted and Die Hardest.

Posted by: Sarah at 04:15 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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1 Dude, Mr. Garrison is so wise and he has the best exclamations on TV

Posted by: Kate at November 26, 2007 09:09 AM (tB/4l)

2 If only more of her kind would follow her example. Stumbled across your original blog as a result of comments you left on "The Smallest Minority," which I found through Kim du Toit's blog. It's great that we have such eloquent and profound thinkers as yourself representing me and my fellow Americans. Keep it up!

Posted by: Lame-R at November 26, 2007 09:42 AM (nt98J)

3 What a nice compliment, Lame-R! Thanks for the nice comment. I have no memory of what I wrote on The Smallest Minority, but whatever it was, I'm glad it brought you here. Thanks for reading!

Posted by: Sarah at November 26, 2007 11:21 AM (TWet1)

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