October 23, 2009


Sig brought up an excellent point about bibs in the comments:

He has another few that were store bought and have annoying sayings on them. "Hello world, I have arrived!" Stuff like that. One says "It's all about me." I hate that one and I always turn it upside down if it's the only one left and I have to use it.

I totally understand where he's coming from.  But I also think he's lucky to have a baby boy, because I've found it's so much worse with girl stuff.

The worst I've seen so far?  I mean besides all the run-of-the-mill stuff that says DIVA and PRINCESS on it?  The shirt that said "Who needs a piggy bank when you have Daddy?"  Second worst: "You're never too young for diamonds."  On a 0-3 month old onesie.

I hate hate hate all the baby crap that says that the baby is the boss, that grandma is wrapped around my little finger, that God personally made me as an angel and then broke the mold, etc.  I want my kid to have self-confidence, but this is disgusting.  No, you are not God's gift to the universe, kid, sorry.  Judging from the state of baby clothes sayings, you'd think we're raising a generation of Eric Cartmans.

I try to stay far far away from shirts and bibs with sayings.  Well, except for the one AirForceWife gave us that says IRS DEDUCTION.  That one's funny.

Posted by: Sarah at 08:04 AM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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1 Just wait, Sarah.... The clothes for girls become more ridiculous as they grow older. I have a hard time finding appropriate clothes for my 6 year old. Everything is low cut and WAY too short. Not sure why we think little girls need to dress the way even adults shouldn't.

Posted by: Keri at October 23, 2009 08:19 AM (dtvJC)

2 It is amazingly difficult to not spend an arm and a leg and still dress your daughter appropriately.  And, by appropriately, I mean age-appropriate in the non-2009 "find your inner hoochie" sense.

Talbot's kids was great, but they are defunct now.  Land's End, some Old Navy and Osh Kosh are usually helpful.

I also detest sayings on children's rears and the like.  Ick. 

Posted by: Guard Wife at October 23, 2009 09:36 AM (p4/8e)


I have a friend(?) who just had the most adorable baby girl.  While visiting to see the baby for the first time, she showed me all of the baby stuff and every damned piece of clothing had something written on it.  Of course I did the obligitory "smile" and "cute", until she showed me a onesie with the saying " I LOVE MY DADDY" and underneath it said "even though he is an asshole". 

Well, I guess she saw the horror on my face and said "What? What?".  So, I expressed to her how unappropriate I thought that was, and she laughed and said "...yeah, he (the daddy) hates it too, so I'm going to make sure she wears it alot."

I don't think I will be visiting her and that adorable baby in the future.  What a shame. 

Posted by: jw at October 23, 2009 10:24 AM (spEu4)

4 Taste.  What happened to it? Everything has been dumbed down, lowest common denominator for humor even on baby clothes.  We are in ancient Rome, anything goes.
Sorry to be so cynical, Sarah, you and those like you are the only hope for our future.

Posted by: Ruth H at October 23, 2009 11:36 AM (KLwh4)

5 IF we ever finally have a baby, regardless of gender, I'll find a way to get it an "Evil Dictator In Training" outfit :-)

Posted by: Beth at October 23, 2009 12:40 PM (ZT9NN)

6 Three cheers for you. All of those baby clothes remind me of the bumper stickers I see that say "BITCH." Your kid's the boss? Daddy's just a piggy bank? Your daughter's a diva? That's a character flaw, folks, a problem that needs to be worked on, not something to proudly proclaim and flaunt!

Posted by: Lucy at October 23, 2009 01:07 PM (TEZ1F)


Yeah, messages on kids' clothes are almost NEVER good - even for boys. I want my son to know he's more than "Mommy's little mess-maker."

Never has learning to sew cute little jumpers & stuff sounded SO appealing as now ...   (That Fig Tree place is one heck of a start, btw!!!)

Posted by: Krista at October 23, 2009 02:17 PM (sUTgZ)

8 I bought Henry a shirt in DC that said Future President, he was in kindergarten, and it was elcction time..

Cor ahas one that says Girls hunt too, and Daddy is my Hero

Posted by: awtm at October 23, 2009 05:39 PM (k54Mw)

9 I worked at a Carter's store for almost a year and a half after graduating with my M.Ed.  It was something I could do to help pay the bills and still be able to substitute teach.  They (generally) stick with tasteful stuff.

I've seen my niece in a black "Barf Vader" t-shirt, and more recently one that says "My daddy's the big kahuna", and one in a pink camo "PRINCESS".  Of course, I don't see her every day.  I'd thought about making some baby clothes for her, but she's growing so fast, I wouldn't be able to keep up.  She's only 14 months old, but she's already fitting into 3T stuff...

A young lady my sisters and I know from the ballpark (she's still in elementary school, and she's going to be my sister's flower girl in 2 weeks) likes to shop "Justice for Girls".  Yeah, that's one of the places that sells stuff with writing across the butt.  Her parents are divorced and she lives with mom, but it's dad that takes her out to the ballgames.  I have had to stop myself from saying anything to dad, since he's not the one taking his daughter shopping for clothes...

Posted by: Miss Ladybug at October 23, 2009 06:44 PM (paOhf)

10 My dad has been into MMA before it was really called that...they used to call it street fighting, real world combatives, etc...

At any rate, when he had my little brother a few years back MMA had started to become mainstream and a lot of the clothes they bought for him reflected my dad's interest and skill...

1) My dad can choke your dad out
2) Snap, Tap or Nap...actually, just the nap
3) It's not a crib...I'm training for cage fighting
4) Future Champion of the World

Some of those are only funny or cute for MMA fans.  I added in a few "geeky" math joke ones to cover my side of the deal but I was just glad there wasn't any of the sailor outfit or Easter outfits...my little bro should grow up tough and smart...

Posted by: Matt at October 23, 2009 09:29 PM (40Xoi)

11 I agree with you wholeheartedly on the inappropriate clothing for little girls. My youngest is twelve now and everything in every store is designed to start these girls on the road to recreational sex at the earliest age possible. We never buy anything with writing on the rear end even when she was a baby and now we're just trying to keep her boobs, bellybutton  and nether regions covered. When you do find something even close to suitable, it's so tight it looks painted on. Aaaarrrggghh.

Now my daughter is having the same problem with my 1 year old granddaughter. Difficult to find just plain clothes.

And even though she has Mimi wrapped around her teeny, tiny perfect little finger, I will never let it be put on her clothing. It's our little secret.

Posted by: Pamela at October 24, 2009 01:11 AM (zJK/n)

12 I'm not universally opposed to all writing.  In fact, I can't wait to buy this shirt.  But most of the writing is crap, or offensive, or slutty.  Who designs that?

I could always get the shirt I saw that said MY MAMA LOVES OBAMA...

Posted by: Sarah at October 24, 2009 07:19 AM (gWUle)

13 I tend to buy my daughter's clothes in the boys' section anyhow. One, they tend to have fewer sayings on them. Two, she actually likes rockets and dinosaurs. Three, I didn't have to worry about low-cut, short-short shorts ON MY INFANT. Seriously. Go to Target, and pick up a pair of boys' Circo shorts and a pair of girls' Circo shorts, in the same size. Notice the difference in cut. Crap, half the time the girls' shorts wouldn't have covered her diaper!

Posted by: Tara at October 24, 2009 10:59 AM (2fGuG)

14 I do love the geeky humor, and some of the "little boy" humor. I have a few shirts I found at Walgreens that were pretty funny:

"Diaper Loading, 75%" (With progress bar)

"With a Shirt this Cool, Who Needs Pants?"

"Hey dude, your girlfriend keeps checking me out."

We also have a onesie from our friends that says, "Shh . . . I'm downloading" and another I got at his shower that has a little muffin with muscle arms that says "Stud Muffin". SO cute!

I wanted to get him a Baby Trogdor onesie, but they were sold out at the time.  Might have to check availability again. http://www.homestarrunnerstore.com/babytrogdor.html

I do agree, though, that most of the shirts with words are kind of silly, especially for girls.  And I HATE the words-across-the-butt trend.  That's just wrong for any age.

Posted by: Deltasierra at October 26, 2009 03:19 PM (D4fxj)

15 I have a few onesies that say things like, "handsome" and "cutie pie", or "little monkey", but typically really small under a picture of a monkey holding a banana or something.  Not bad.  And I have one that says "Daddy Loves Me" that I bought specifically for r&r.  But yeah, I went to buy something for my friend's baby girl, and yes, the boy stuff is way better.  The "daddy loves me" kind of outfits were the only wearable (imo) sayings, the rest just best to avoid words altogether.

Posted by: leofwende at October 27, 2009 02:23 PM (28CBm)

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