June 01, 2010

Today was our baby's three month birthday.
Which means we made her a year ago, tee hee.
This year I made socks instead of a baby...
Or did I...
I do find myself often thinking that I'd like to just go ahead and aim for the second one now, to get all the infant years done at once. If life starts to get too cushy, I am not sure I'll want to go back to the beginning.
But I'm also not sure I want to take care of a baby while I'm pregnant.
I'm definitely sure that I don't have much say in the matter though, and we'll flip another heads whenever a heads comes along...
In the meantime, making us matching socks keeps me happy.
Posted by: Sarah at
02:30 PM
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That is the sweetest picture! Hope it's framed, on her wall.

You do beautiful work.
Posted by: Amber at June 01, 2010 04:38 PM (TLzuh)
Those are so cute. You have a lucky baby for the mommy she has.
Posted by: Ruth H at June 01, 2010 06:14 PM (YpblU)
I agree with Amber. That would make a darling picture framed. That's so cute! Gramma loves both of you!
Posted by: Nancy at June 01, 2010 06:35 PM (FGlzU)
Posted by: Connie at June 01, 2010 07:59 PM (L6nIP)
I love your socks! I'm still all thumbs at knitting ... and the baby making. lol. And I am very happy for you!
Posted by: Darla at June 02, 2010 12:02 AM (noiAA)
Posted by: Lissa at June 02, 2010 08:41 AM (eSfKC)
Ooh! I love the picture!
My sweet little one was born 05/19. He's two weeks today. :-)
Posted by: Heather at June 02, 2010 12:01 PM (3XczE)
Happy first first birthday, Baby! Hope you like your mother's handmade present. Sorry I'm a day late. I won't miss your second first birthday. It's only another nine months away.
Posted by: Amritas at June 02, 2010 12:50 PM (5a7nS)
Posted by: Lucy at June 02, 2010 09:20 PM (YNvUz)
Adorable picture, Sarah. I hope you are doing well
Posted by: Keri at June 03, 2010 07:48 AM (CqCBn)
Adorable. I hope everyone is doing well.
Posted by: Eowyn at June 03, 2010 09:18 AM (c76Sz)
Awesome picture! And good luck on flipping heads again..once you start flipping! : )
Posted by: sharona at June 03, 2010 10:16 AM (ANfYv)
Happy 1/4 birthday, baby Grok!
I love those socks...so cute! I crocheted a pair of booties for my little guy that never did fit him correctly, and I haven't made time to really crochet anything in the last few months, though he had a few cute hats over the wintertime.
Beowulf and I have already talked about starting to try for #2 when he comes home. Aerost will be 10 months at that point, but I'm not expecting to get pregnant right away. If it doesn't take too long this time, I expect that it will be difficult caring for a toddler while pregnant, but still well worth it. Hopefully I'll at least have Beowulf's help, though.
Posted by: Leofwende at June 10, 2010 12:37 AM (28CBm)
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March 11, 2010
20,000 LEAGUES!
Nearly three years ago, I
had the idea to take this photo. I finally got to take it...and Baby couldn't have posed better if she were an actor! Well done, Baby. Way to make Mommy's dreams come true.
Posted by: Sarah at
12:14 PM
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is an actor!
I hope she makes all your dreams come true ... and more.
Posted by: Amritas at March 11, 2010 01:04 PM (+nV09)
LOL Cute pic. She is, of course, adorable!
Posted by: Amber at March 11, 2010 03:36 PM (gr7I7)
Posted by: Lissa at March 11, 2010 03:37 PM (eSfKC)
Posted by: Connie at March 11, 2010 03:52 PM (L6nIP)
Posted by: Stacy at March 11, 2010 05:39 PM (oubiR)
That is sooo funny. No wonder I like your blog, you have a sense of humor as weird as mine, or my mother's. I'm just sitting here laughing. I would think the octopus is hugging the baby except for the fact that I watched the science channel last night and saw the really, ugly predator octopi.
But I still love the picture.
Posted by: Ruth H at March 11, 2010 06:22 PM (KLwh4)
Posted by: Susan at March 11, 2010 08:14 PM (URuXw)
That's perfect.
My son was born with a dislocated hip and had to wear a harness for the first year of his life. Of course, I dyed one OD Green and we have a picture of him looking like a little paratrooper.
Posted by: Ted at March 11, 2010 08:31 PM (Egj2n)
Ooh! She's so adorable!
Posted by: Heather at March 11, 2010 08:55 PM (k6tVi)
Barely born and already fighting deadly krakens! ;-)
Posted by: Patrick Chester at March 12, 2010 09:08 AM (MOvul)
LOL....I've looked at this 6 times now and laugh every time.....fun with baby.
Posted by: Trudy at March 12, 2010 11:55 AM (Gp4FX)
Help Mom! This yarny blue octomonster is trying to EAT me!! Waaa!
Posted by: Darla at March 12, 2010 02:40 PM (RAPsl)
I have a lot of baby pictures like this. I love them but for some reason my kids don't like looking at them. I tell them that they will be enthusiastic about their own kids baby pictures.... Of course I also tell them that they can warp them any way they please if they don't like our own parental warping....
Posted by: Lemon Stand at March 12, 2010 06:48 PM (j2olO)
Too funny! And she is so stinkin' cute!
Posted by: dutchgirl at March 12, 2010 06:56 PM (Yg8bq)
Posted by: Nicki at March 13, 2010 05:28 PM (fqQct)
"Way to make mommy's dreams come true" Literally snorted. So funny!
Posted by: Sara at March 14, 2010 01:28 PM (Qyb/9)
My only objection is that BabyGrok looks as if she were losing the battle! We need periodic updates where she grows big enough to vanquish HIM! Bwaa ha ha!
Posted by: MaryIndiana at March 15, 2010 11:32 AM (3j7LI)
That is so freakin' CUTE!!! And she's beautiful!!! I am sooooo happy for you!
Posted by: Allison at March 16, 2010 06:07 PM (VmC2E)
so happy for you. she is so cute !!!!
Posted by: Mike D. at March 18, 2010 12:08 AM (McIMZ)
I'm sure you are busy taking lots more pictures of her. (They get big WAAAAYYY too fast!) But I also wanted to let you know that I left something for you at
The Lemon Stand
Posted by: Lemon Stand at March 18, 2010 08:05 AM (/gA1V)
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January 17, 2010
I honestly used to think that knitting was the perfect activity for being pregnant. I imagined resting my hands on my belly and having a nice little shelf to work on.
Yeah, not so much.
I can't really sit up straight anymore without the baby shoving upwards into my lungs, or getting heartburn, or just feeling like I'm being scrunched to death. I can't find a good position for knitting.
Crochet works though, since it's one-handed and I can kinda do it in a Cleopatra side-lying pose. So when I have the energy for anything, it's mostly been crochet.
I wanted to make a pig. I found the perfect cute
pattern. I started said pig and discovered he was gonna be about as big as a tennis ball. Cute, but not really what I envisioned for my child to cuddle. I want to try to size him up with some really fat yarn and see if that works.

I also managed to finally finish some lapghans I started ages ago for the VA hospital. My crafting group teased me because every week I would show up, not having made any progress since the week before. Slow going, but they're done, and just in time.

The second one is a lovely pattern found
I've also worked on some gifts for other people, but those can't be revealed until later...
Posted by: Sarah at
10:33 AM
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Still working on my bodysuit?
Posted by: Chuck Z at January 17, 2010 10:57 AM (bMH2g)
Very nice blankets. I have a ripple for by BFF sitting half done since almost 8 months ago I think. I always begin aghans with purpose with my short attention span tends to get the best of me. So I do smaller projects like a variety of hats, baby blankets or toys. I can just seeing trying to cleopatra crochet. You know you can't wait til baby girl is big enough to randomly pick up the balls of yarn you are working with and tangle them all over the place. Most of the kids I sit from 2 - 12 love that trick. It'll be great. We'll have to send you 'baby's yarn' versus your own. lol
Posted by: Darla at January 17, 2010 11:58 AM (XvIN7)
Oh, that second on is beautiful. You are so talented
Posted by: Kate at January 17, 2010 02:52 PM (J1l7A)
That little pig is cute.
I like the first one - I like your choice of colors on it.
When I was a kid, Mom crocheted, but all I could ever do was chains. Haven't tried since, but I'm not sure I should try to pick up another crafting hobby right now...
Posted by: Miss Ladybug at January 17, 2010 04:59 PM (vqKnu)
I do love both the blankets, but I absolutely LOVE the pig! Cutest thing ever!
Posted by: Mary at January 17, 2010 09:05 PM (/hR4y)
Now I want to go home and see if I can make a pig for my grandson! Too Cute! Thanks for sharing.
Posted by: Laura, A Military Mom at January 18, 2010 03:48 PM (oLHZ3)
Am I the only one who thought the pig was designed to be two-legged? I didn't realize it had four legs until I saw
this side view. Even with a full set of legs, it still seems like a walking head. A porcine Mr. Potato Head! But unlike Mr. Potato Head, Pig Head is squeezable!
Posted by: Amritas at January 28, 2010 12:49 PM (+nV09)
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December 13, 2009
I finally started having the energy to hold needles for longer than 20 minutes, so I finished three baby sweaters for my very own baby recently. This is my favorite one:

And I know I swore that I wasn't going to do any knitting for anyone else's babies once I was concentrating on my own, but I can't stick with that and have a few things up my sleeve for two other gals.
Posted by: Sarah at
09:37 AM
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You have to put a quarter (or something) in the picture so we know the scale...
Posted by: David Boxenhorn at December 13, 2009 03:06 PM (6QcMn)
that is a splendid sweater! congrats on that! I managed to do 3 hats in the this past weekend ... so I fully understand!
Posted by: Darla at December 13, 2009 03:22 PM (XvIN7)
Posted by: Miss Ladybug at December 13, 2009 04:16 PM (vqKnu)
Posted by: Amritas at December 13, 2009 04:50 PM (dWG01)
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September 30, 2009
I was so touched to see that WifeUnit and her husband brought the little ewok I made to watch over their new son in the hospital. And that the ewok donned a hazmat suit to join baby in his incubator.
Posted by: Sarah at
07:29 AM
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How early was he? Is he going to be okay? Poor baby.
Posted by: Christa at September 30, 2009 11:33 AM (2qSbp)
Will you please let her know that her family is in my thoughts? (I don't have a way to tell her myself since her blog is protected now). Hoping he will improve quickly!
Posted by: dutchgirl at September 30, 2009 12:06 PM (Yg8bq)
Send some bloggy love from me, too....can't check in on her anymore. Hope all is well and they are all taking care.
Posted by: Susan at September 30, 2009 09:04 PM (EU2Wl)
Best wishes to WifeUnit, BabyUnit and DaddyUnit. Thinking positive thoughts here. My cousin's oldest was a premie, and he's a happy, healthy 3-1/2 year old now (though his almost 2 year old little brother is probably going to surpass him in size in the not-to-distant future...).
Posted by: Miss Ladybug at September 30, 2009 09:48 PM (paOhf)
please send my best to wifeunit... tell her noah was a 28 weeker (and that was 24 years ago!) and weighed 1280 grams (2 lbs 13 oz)... and he's sassy and all grown... one day at a time! prayers for them all.
Posted by: Some Soldier's Mom at October 01, 2009 12:00 AM (DBUVT)
Positive vibes from this side of the pond to WifeUnit, HubbyUnit but most of all to preemie BabyUnit.
Best wishes and may good fortune smile on you.
Posted by: bx19 at October 01, 2009 05:34 PM (bWGnc)
I'm so glad our boy has good company in his little land. I just wish they didn't hand me a biohazard ziploc.
We seem to be on a good path to getting our stubborn fighter strong and better prepared to come and join his Unit
Many thanks for the well wishes too. Our family is terribly lucky to have such great friends and blog friends and well wishers!
I can't wait for him to make his way home...
Posted by: wifeunit at October 07, 2009 07:34 PM (4B1kO)
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September 29, 2009
I got my first homemade baby gift the other day.
The Girl made an adorable baby sweater, one with a kangaroo pouch! So cute. And right around the same day, MaryIndiana sent a little kangaroo. And, voila...
Posted by: Sarah at
11:39 AM
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A perfect fit! Would love to see your kangaroo wear it!
Posted by: Amritas at September 29, 2009 01:21 PM (+nV09)
That is so precious! I love it!
Posted by: Heather at September 29, 2009 07:39 PM (ACoc9)
Cute sweater! Just make sure the baby doesn't carry her credit or debit cards in the same pouch...the little magnets in the toy kangaroo's feet will wreak havoc on them!
Posted by: MaryIndiana at September 30, 2009 11:50 AM (aeRQR)
A Ha!!! Babies DO need pockets. I'll have to show this to Mags.
Posted by: Guard Wife at September 30, 2009 08:29 PM (EvsXa)
Oh my gosh that's so cute. It's one of those things I'd wear in my own size, minue the kangaroo of course. How adorable
Posted by: Sara at October 04, 2009 11:08 AM (mjMky)
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September 14, 2009
I can finally post a photo of a recent baby gift.
WifeUnit's husband is a Star Wars nut, and I have decided that I really get a kick out of making baby presents that are
geared towards the dads. So when I learned they were having another baby, I went searching teh internets for a good pattern.

I'm a novice crocheter, but
Lucy's pattern wasn't too hard to follow. I just had a hard time with the face fur: I made two heads and a couple different faces until I got the one I liked.
Maybe when the kid is older...
this hat?
Posted by: Sarah at
05:16 PM
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Posted by: Allicadem at September 14, 2009 06:35 PM (dvs/n)
God, you're good.
And I showed that hat to the multitude in my house and there was much excitement.
Posted by: airforcewife at September 14, 2009 07:48 PM (CDkfD)
That totally rocks! I'm still knitting on my loom. I made one bootie. Can't make the other one because I can't remember how I did the first one. Until I get smart, I'll have to live vicariously through you
Posted by: Susan at September 14, 2009 08:10 PM (EU2Wl)
Oh Ma Lord, I LOVE it! That has got to be one of the most awesome things I've ever seen!
Posted by: sharona at September 14, 2009 08:25 PM (BeRta)
Someday I'm going to take up crochet. Â I need to bookmark this page...
Posted by: Code Monkey at September 14, 2009 10:42 PM (nU/b+)
Posted by: Miss Ladybug at September 14, 2009 11:17 PM (paOhf)
I truly love that I got to see the look on Mark's face when he opened it. Even if having a mystery package sitting around the house waiting for him to get home was HARD.
I'll have to see if the seller will add one more child size to
my mom's order for last year's Christmas present. The three boys with matching hats would be pretty awesome in a supremely dorky way.
I am so bad, I will confess, that the first thing that popped in my Star Wars challenged mind was Sand People. And not Ewoks. I'm not even sure if Star Wars has Sand People or what.
And I'll just say thank you again. I think presents for Dads and babies is pretty awesome as far as ideas go.
Posted by: wifeunit at September 15, 2009 06:42 AM (4B1kO)
Up next, a borat man-thong for me!
Posted by: chuck at September 15, 2009 07:21 AM (bMH2g)
Whoa, that is awesome! and the hat too!!
Posted by: Kate at September 15, 2009 01:05 PM (JIGe1)
A weewok crochet pattern!!?? STFU! I want to make it! I must. I will have to hunt down this pattern!
Posted by: Darla at September 17, 2009 09:09 PM (LP4DK)
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July 29, 2009
If I had the energy, I'd be knitting my kid
a kangaroo to go with the rest of the menagerie.
Posted by: Sarah at
07:25 PM
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For some women and for some pregnancies, you don't feel like ass the ENTIRE time. So lettuce hope you iz lucky and the funk goes away. :-p
I still need a Sarah lesson on knitting so I am no help whatsoever.
Posted by: wifeunit at July 29, 2009 09:20 PM (4B1kO)
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July 20, 2009
Stacy commissioned a baby blanket for her son a while back, and she put up
pics of him with it. I sure hope he likes it! It looked so small while I was making it and so big now next to a little boy...
Posted by: Sarah at
03:43 PM
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Very pretty! It looks like he likes it a lot!
Posted by: Guard Wife at July 20, 2009 08:03 PM (M+hWl)
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July 03, 2009
My local crafting group has been making patriotic lapghans for the VA hospital. These are my contributions.
Posted by: Sarah at
12:31 PM
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May 27, 2009
I realized my dream job yesterday. The yarn section at my work just got renovated, so I was hanging new signs, project sheets, and yarn swatches. Hanging in front of the yarn is a sample of knitting so that customers can test what the yarn looks and feels like, something like

I had the thought that someone has to make all these little 4"x4" samples. How fun would that be? Dream job.
(I realize they're probably made by machine. Humor me here.)
I also realized that my dream job is decidedly NOT to take all those little squares and sew them together into a big blanket.
Last November, our store collected rectangles for
Warm-Up America. It was then my job to single crochet all 56 rectangles together. It took me forever to find the motivation, but the final product is pretty neat.

But definitely not my dream job. I'll make the squares all day long, but someone else can do the finishing.
Posted by: Sarah at
01:30 PM
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I realize they're probably made by machine.The machines have taken your jerrrrb! Skynet knits!
I'd love to see all 56 rectangles in a single picture. Unfortunately, their textures wouldn't be distinguishable from a distance.
Posted by: Amritas at May 27, 2009 02:54 PM (+nV09)
Heck, I never realized they were machine-made, LOL... I always thought that'd be a fun/boring job, depending on the day, LOL!!! :-)
Posted by: kannie at May 27, 2009 03:45 PM (5XpA4)
I think I would actually have more fun arranging the swatches and crocheting them together. I tried making a blanket out of squares once, and got bored after about 4-5 squares. Which I think is usually why I end up doing stripes of some sort.
Posted by: Leofwende at May 27, 2009 11:30 PM (28CBm)
Posted by: Allison at May 28, 2009 08:14 PM (kKR3v)
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April 27, 2009
When I visited
CaliValleyGirl, we discovered that we both love peas. Neither of us knew this about the other before. So when I found
this pattern, I just had to make them for her.

She said her son loves playing with them. I think they turned out really cute.
(And learning this new blog system is gonna be the death of me. It took me forever to figure out how to upload this pic.)
Posted by: Sarah at
06:35 PM
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;">The two peas are adorable! Good work!
Love the new space & especially love that Fluffy has been muzzled!
Posted by: Guard Wife at April 27, 2009 08:12 PM (Bfea2)
Posted by: Sara at April 27, 2009 09:59 PM (zT1RF)
Holy adorableness, Batman! Those are supremely cute, and yes, love the new blog space! :-)
Posted by: kannie at April 28, 2009 02:28 AM (iT8dn)
adorable. super super adorable.
Posted by: wifeunit at April 28, 2009 07:27 AM (t5K2U)
Very cute peas! And I love the new site and masthead! Hope th enew site works out for you!
Posted by: Darla at April 30, 2009 08:40 AM (LP4DK)
That is the cutest thing I have ever seen!!!! I love it!!!
Posted by: Allison at April 30, 2009 07:17 PM (m0MUk)
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March 23, 2009
This bag has been sitting handle-less for, oh, two years. I finally sewed the handles on today.

Made with Patons SWS from this pattern.
Posted by: Sarah at
08:40 AM
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March 18, 2009
The Unliberaled Woman commissioned a baby sweater for her niece. I used the
Bernat Baby Jacquards yarn and think it ended up pretty cute. And, to toot my own horn, look at how well the patterns on the two fronts match up!

And then she paid me an outrageous sum of money for the little sweater, which was super nice. I want her to hire me to knit for her whole family; she pays way better than my current job.
Check out her blog, whydonjcha. She's feisty.
Posted by: Sarah at
02:23 AM
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February 28, 2009
Remember the gender-less baby I was
knitting for? The sweater and blanket got finished and delivered.

The buttons are little puppy faces. I think it turned out really cute.
Posted by: Sarah at
03:43 AM
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That is AWESOME!!! I wish I knew how to knit!
Posted by: Allison at February 28, 2009 09:58 AM (MHUCV)
Posted by: Miss Ladybug at February 28, 2009 08:16 PM (paOhf)
Absolutely darling!!! That's the best sweater I've seen yet for a little gender-neutral one! :-) You ROCK!!!
Posted by: kannie at March 02, 2009 11:36 AM (iT8dn)
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January 22, 2009
In knitting news, I have been shirking my vow to knit two rows per day on
the aran. I am still working on
the second sock. I have been commissioned to make a baby sweater for a friend. I am making a child's chemo cap, which is horribly depressing.
But I want to push everything aside and start on this immediately.

I am in love with that sweater.
Posted by: Sarah at
07:46 AM
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This sweater is adorable!! How cute!
Posted by: Guard Wife at January 22, 2009 08:28 AM (3ik1Q)
Shirking is BAD.
So is my perception. I didn't notice the title of your post at first, and I didn't even notice the owls. I just thought, wow, buttons that do nothing but look nice. I didn't know they were watching me.
Two days ago, you told me about
this Sis B post:
I hope that folks find out how rewarding it is to volunteer and to make positive change in the world, and continue to do it.
You're doing it.
I am making a child's chemo cap, which is horribly depressing.
But the child may be a little less depressed knowing that someone - you - went to the trouble of making that cap for them.
The owls can wait for you, even if you can't wait for them ...
Posted by: Amritas at January 22, 2009 09:02 AM (+nV09)
Yes, I didn't need Obama to get me to volunteer; I've been charity knitting for two years now, several hours per week. And hopefully will continue doing it, if it's not made illegal.
Posted by: Sarah at January 22, 2009 09:12 AM (TWet1)
That is a really cute sweater. I see several variations on it. Do you think you could make a little preemie cap with that design, or maybe little sweaters for them, in colors that complement yellow owl eyes? That pattern is just unbelievably cute.
Posted by: Ruth H at January 22, 2009 10:30 AM (4u82p)
Cute sweater....and you can keep an eye or two on your hubby when you wear it. Heh.
Posted by: Pamela at January 22, 2009 11:32 AM (tqojX)
that is cute, and I actually think little girls sweaters would be adorable
Posted by: AWTM at January 22, 2009 12:52 PM (l1Qbp)
That's possibly the cutest sweater ever.
Posted by: Lucy at January 22, 2009 05:06 PM (HGFog)
I love your owl sweater - it is the most adorable crocheted article of clothing I've ever seen. My oldest daughter loves owls - do you make anything for sale? I would be interested. Thank you.
Edie McDowell
Posted by: Edie McDowell at October 10, 2011 05:16 PM (ILrcV)
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January 16, 2009

Sock knitters will notice that the colorways on the two socks match up exactly, which gives me so much joy.
Posted by: Sarah at
08:16 AM
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"Sock knitters will notice that the colorways on the two socks match up exactly, which gives me so much joy."
And I sit here comparing the two to see if you were right...(*sigh*).
BTW, nice.
Posted by: tim at January 16, 2009 09:41 AM (nno0f)
I compared the two too. I believe Sarah, so I was just testing my eyes, though I am prone to see what I want to see.
The sock on the left looks like a tepee! Just found
the etymology of that word:
The word "tipi" comes into English from the Lakota language; the word thÃpi
consists of two elements: the verb thÃ,
meaning "to dwell," and a pluralizing enclitic (a suffix-like ending that marks the subject of the verb as plural), pi,
and means "they dwell." In Lakota, formal verbs [words that look like they should be verbs]
can be used as nouns, and this is the case with thÃpi
which in practice just means "house."
According to this
pronunciation guide, Lakota "th" sounds like English "t" (but not "th" as in "thin" or "within") and "Ã" with an accent is like an English "ee."
Posted by: Amritas at January 16, 2009 11:09 AM (+nV09)
your feet will be dwelling in bliss
Posted by: awtm at January 17, 2009 06:34 AM (xWqQc)
Those are so pretty. I love those colors!
Posted by: Guard Wife at January 18, 2009 07:44 AM (IADCv)
Very stripy! btw I'll have a ripple therapy-ghan photos to post soon! It's all about the stripes!
Posted by: Sarah at January 18, 2009 08:10 AM (LP4DK)
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January 08, 2009
OK, so here's where
knitting and government meet:
The new Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act – passed hastily to bar poisonous foreign products – also will require millions of American homecrafters to have each of their products tested at huge cost, ranging from $500 to $4000 per product – including their old stock which was manufactured before this law had even been thought up.
So government tried to do a good thing by banning lead toys from China and those beads that turned into the date-rape drug. But they derp-ed it up and forgot to exclude those of us who make baby things from home.
We in the group I belong to are unsure how this affects us. We do not receive monetary donations and we do not sell our items. But we better not be legally barred from making our preemie donations to the local hospitals because of some stupidly worded law. And I don't want people selling on Etsy or Ebay to be affected either.
Kuhr says all the homecrafters of the US 'will become criminals from February 10 if they continue to sell their homemade stock without the required certificate of compliance to prove that it had been tested for dangerous contents such as lead'.
From now on, while I'm knitting my preemie caps, I will be saying in a Beavis voice, "Breakin' the law, breakin' the law."
But seriously folks, we're running out of time before the law takes effect. I plan to make a complaint, and if you are a crafter, I would urge you to do the same.
Formal complaints against this act must be lodged before January 20 2009 Comments must be labeled: Section 102 Mandatory Third-Party Testing of Component Parts'. Lodge complaints to email Sec102ComponentPartsTesting@cpsc.gov
Posted by: Sarah at
11:56 AM
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I read about this yesterday with regards to how it would affect thrift stores and others in the 2nd hand market. Yard sales will still be okay. I am glad that there has been such an uproar about this, and I hope they change the law.
Posted by: CaliValleyGirl at January 08, 2009 12:10 PM (irIko)
This doesn't make any sense! You, for example, are using products that have been purchased and thus should already have been tested before being put on the shelves. Why do they need to be tested again?!?
Posted by: Kiki at January 08, 2009 03:16 PM (P1eqB)
OK - I've sent my complaint as logically and politely as I can. I agree with Amritas that it's much more likely ignorance than malice; after all, isn't there some law about unintended consequences, to begin with? ;-)
Posted by: kannie at January 08, 2009 07:46 PM (iT8dn)
1. Can I get some gloves with MORE lead in them? Would be great for self defense...
2. if you get arrested, have the hubby post the location. I need some shoot-house practice, anyway.
3. If you ignore the law, like the 20 million or so illegal immigrants, likely the gummint will see it as a problem that's just too large to deal with.
4. Under the new administration, you'll be safe. Just mention one of these tried and true excuses:
a. It's for the Children
b. It's to help mother gaia, these are all eco-friendly yarns and stuff, made from free-range sheep's wool and all-organic polyester.
c. I only knit Che-berets
d. It's part of my islamic heritage! You are the infidel! Appease me!
Posted by: Chuck at January 09, 2009 05:46 AM (bQVIy)
Okay, so I read about this on HotAir too. And they have a video of a bonafide liberal who realizes "Oh, maybe over govt. regulation DOES hurt business." La - di - freakin - DUH!
Imagine that, increases in regulations/inspections actually then increases operation costs among businesses and then businesses decide to pull back or not do any business at all to avoid these additional costs. Businesses are in existence to make money first, social-appeasement second. Non-profits are about social-assistance first, money second. ItÂ’s not rocket science!
While I do think not having lead in toys in a good thing - politicians have a tendency to write bills without thinking about real-world ramifications. That's usually because our politicians are ambition-driven law students who have spent their life campaigning but not actually working in the business world. The only thing these types of bills do in terms of a benefit are making it seem like some nimrod politician actually did something in office so he can have a talking point come the next election term.
That's why people, especially small business advocates, have a problem with govt. intervention and regulation. We need politicians who know a thing or two about economics from practical experience, not just a Harvard econ 101 class. That way when regulations are created (like safety restrictions on children's toys) there is a way to achieve the mail goal - safety - without interfering in business and job production in our economy.
Posted by: BigD78 at January 09, 2009 11:25 AM (W3XUk)
BidD is correct...too many politicians are totally disconnected from the world of those who make and sell things. Too high a proportion of them are lawyers and/or have spent their entire careers in "public service."
Sarah, I just linked this post at
Chicago Boyz.
Posted by: david foster at January 09, 2009 12:59 PM (ke+yX)
I've been following this for quite sometime now. It's pretty ridiculous b'c it's so very vague on so many items. Even the labs you need to send the products to haven't been certified. The list is quite endless. Hopefully they'll get to work and modify this, I understand not wanting lead in kids' products but this law is taking it to an extreme. :-/
Posted by: Penny at January 11, 2009 03:27 PM (5y/PV)
> But they derp-ed it up
Technogeeks already had a term for this:
It's an acronym.
It stands for
MUNG Until No Good
Posted by: obloodyhell at January 12, 2009 11:40 PM (IdgIO)
> I was thinking the same thing myself, but the paranoid might object by pointing out that homecrafters could mix dangerous materials along with safe, store-bought ones. So expensive tests would be needed to verify the absence of toxic content.
Next up: Restaurants will have to send out any dishes to be tested before serving to customers for bacterial, chemical, or other adulterants.
This will be passed because someone inadvertently fed a child something and they got sick.
Surely you CARE about THE CHILDREN, don't you!?!?!
I'm put in mind of an interchange in an old SF book from the 80s:
"Marxist truth!", sneered Skashkash. "Marx himself didn't believe it!"
"[Prove it!]"
"Very well," replied Skashkash. "First, Karl Marx held two values above all others -- the revolution and scientific truth. Second, Marx, a man of undoubted genius, died without ever finishing his magnum opus, 'Das Kapital'. A genius does not die without finishing his life's work - I could cite you examples as nauseum - but Marx lingered for years without finishing 'Das Kapital'."
"So what? He got old and sick and couldn't write, but what he wrote was the truth."
"No, the reason that Marx never finished his work was that his two prime values, revolution and scientific truth, were in conflict. He had, as you will doubtless recall, set up a progression of social orders, from chatel slavery, to feudalism, to capitalism, to what he called s o c i a l i s m - a kind of unspecified utopia. In fact, there was another step after capitalism available for his study, but he suppressed it, because it was incompatible with his notion of revolution. He called it the 'Oriental Mode of Production' and it was amply demonstrated in Chinese history. It is capitalism made subordinate to the state by means of innumerable petty regulations. You could describe it as enlightened petty despotism, or as symbiosis of the individual and the collective. Had Marx elected to follow scientific truth instead of revolution, he would have predicted what happened in the U.S. after the Great Depression. He would have been a major prophet."
- Alexis A. Gilliland, 'Long Shot for Rosinante' -
Posted by: Obloodyhell at January 12, 2009 11:50 PM (IdgIO)
P.S. there comes a point beyond which spamguards are stupid and useless:
"Your comment could not be submitted due to questionable content: c i a l i s"
Note that I inserted spaces to get it past the spamguard.
The offending componentof the post?
"S o c i a l i s m"
If there is a way to do it, you need to add spaces onto the ends of the offending term. And that's not going to stop any bot with a clue, but neither will it as-is.
Posted by: obloodyhell at January 12, 2009 11:54 PM (IdgIO)
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January 07, 2009
I'm getting better at the aran pattern; at this point, I am even able to listen to music and sing along whilst knitting. No TV though. But tomorrow night is the Fedex Bowl, and I think I can aran during football.

Don't worry; 2009 won't only be knitblogging.
Posted by: Sarah at
09:18 AM
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Post contains 52 words, total size 1 kb.
Looks beautiful so far!
Posted by: Kiki at January 07, 2009 09:28 AM (P1eqB)
Ditto. I love "making of" pictures!
Eventually you'll be able to aran through anything. And spontaneously create your own patterns without even trying!
Posted by: Amritas at January 07, 2009 10:02 AM (KGWHR)
Ha, well, I hope I don't do too much spontaneous pattern creation on this one, cuz that will mean I'm doing it wrong
Posted by: Sarah at January 07, 2009 10:06 AM (TWet1)
Wow! Beeee-autiful! :-) And I'm still too scared to start a pair of socks... but you've reminded me that I should get that crocheted blanket out to work on during tomorrow night's game! What a great football project! :-)
Posted by: kannie at January 07, 2009 10:20 AM (iT8dn)
Posted by: annie at January 07, 2009 10:39 AM (wfky/)
I meant you'd create a sweater ex nihilo via total improvisation, not change the pattern on this one halfway ... though you could start a new fad and get rich. One knitter's error is another wearer's fashion.
Posted by: Amritas at January 07, 2009 12:44 PM (KGWHR)
Pretty! I LOVE cabling! I'm working on some legwarmers and a sweater right now that has lots of cable work!
Posted by: Tania at January 07, 2009 02:03 PM (KfVPZ)
I'll never knit but I do find the stuff you write on it interesting...Ever thought of starting a mini-companion blog just for the knitting stuff? More work I know but you could just write a special RSS feed to pull only the knitting stuff you're already putting up here...K, done geeking out for now..
Posted by: David at January 08, 2009 04:48 AM (AEMm3)
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January 01, 2009
Some more photos of recent projects. These are some of the
little mitten ornaments I made this year. These two were for The Girl, who was the one who sent me that
awesome bracelet, and my mother.

And these are juggling balls I made for my friend. I love how they turned out. Who woulda thought of writing a pattern for juggling balls?

Posted by: Sarah at
02:59 PM
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Post contains 67 words, total size 1 kb.
Hey, those are so cool. Where can I get that pattern for the juggling balls?
Posted by: Mare at January 01, 2009 06:43 PM (APbbU)
I found the pattern while flipping through the book
Closely Knit. The pattern was easy enough that I memorized it just from reading through it. I can email you the basic concept if you'd like.
Posted by: Sarah at January 02, 2009 03:58 AM (TWet1)
You do such good work!

How are you doing??
I'm around should need to chit chat with someone other than Charles.

I'll try to hit the post office with a little something I've needed to send your way.
Posted by: Guard Wife at January 02, 2009 04:10 AM (N3nNT)
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