March 29, 2004
I charged home from work at 2130 tonight and soaked up as much beer, Chex mix, and South Park as was possible in 30 minutes. And then I got hit with Greyhawk's
My dad's worked in air conditioning for his entire adult life, so it only seemed natural that I should donate to Operation AC. Especially after reading "I would like to continue but we operate on donations and people just are sick of hearing about the war and have essentially stopped donating all together."
Well, that was enough to make me give up a couple of DVDs. Maybe you could too? At the very least, you should go over to Mudville Gazette and leave some morale-boosting words for our brave servicemembers. I plan to wait until this comments section gets sufficiently big (read more than 8!!!) and then print it and send a copy to all of my husband's soldiers.
Get 'er done, readers.
Posted by: Sarah at
04:11 PM
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I feel your pain, troops. Sorry we can't send an AC, we don't have one ourselves. 6 months out of year we don't need it, the rest of the year we got the woodburner going! Having operated in tropics and desert climes I can only restate my training and experience, going from heat to AC is "BAD", both physically and mentally. Heat aclimatization is an ongoing process, those operating outside doing manual labor or patroling on foot should limit exposure to changes in temps. that are more than 30 degrees from baseline temp.. I know this is a major bummer for lots of y'all, but that is the grunts lot in life, you don't have to like it, just do it. Well, sorry to have to be Cpt.BuzzKill, but it just needed saying. I will now go smear myself with ashes and beg forgiveness from our honored ancestors,,,,,naaww I'll just drink some beer and eat some pork and think happy thoughts of our troops safe return. Rangers lead the way.
Posted by: 2Hotel9 at March 29, 2004 08:28 PM (/3Vfo)
Commenting on what 2hotel9 said. I total agree. I've been a grunt for 8 years now and a Ranger for most of that. I've traveled the entire world three times. One good piece of advice that I can give all the younger soldiers here in Iraq with me is, I'm going home in a week, and I'll drink a couple of beers for you. Shoot first, ask questions later. Rangers Lead The Way!!!!!
Posted by: birdie at March 30, 2004 02:00 PM (IXwYP)
Sarah, I think you had a good idea here, but it got lost in the jumble...maybe try again?
Posted by: Carla at April 04, 2004 03:26 AM (r5M6F)
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March 28, 2004
Oda Mae pointed out a
recent article in The Prague Post Online written by "a founding member of the Prague branch of American Voices Abroad." That's enough to make me want to stay far away from this article, but there are a few things I'd like to address. (Usch, and I have lots of work to do today...)
Farnsworth's premise is that we should feel more emotion and sorrow for innocent Iraqis who have been killed than our bloodthirsty and automaton troops. While I do regret the deaths of innocent Iraqis, I side with Den Beste when he says that in war there is no such thing as a civilian and that I value American citizens more than citizens of any other country. In that sense, Farnsworth's article doesn't really bother me because we're arguing apples and oranges.
I've also already addressed the meaninglessness of the Support Our Troops slogan, but I'll say again that simply holding a sign that says you support our troops is not the same thing as writing a soldier a letter or donating to Soldiers' Angels. It's an empty phrase when paired with opposition to the war on terror.
So Farnsworth and I have no common ground for any sort of discussion. I've come to the realization that it's hardly worth getting upset over someone who's so far from my line of thinking. But there are a few flaws in his reasoning I'd like to mention.
There are parts of this ruse that I might buy. Most soldiers are young and can hardly be blamed for finding themselves in the middle of a war. Many of them signed up facing the choice between lousier work and joining the military. Some joined to afford college, as did Jessica Lynch, only to find herself maimed in battle and then used for Pentagon propaganda. Some find a military career attractive because it offers the benefits, such as subsidized housing and health care, of a semisocialist organization.
In light of my revelation yesterday, I must strenuously say that if you're not prepared to fight a war, don't sign on the dotted line. This recent (though not surprising) crop of conscientious objectors and jerks fleeing to Canada deserve contempt, not sympathy. Don't join the military for college perks (another post for another day) or housing benefits or any of the other benefits that distract you from your real mission: to go to undesirable corners of the world and kill people. If you can't handle that, then you had no business signing up. Period.
News of such U.S. atrocities in Iraq has come out in scattered reports. U.S. Marine Sergeant Eric Schrumpf revealed that his training in civilian casualties taught that killing a large number of innocents all at once looked bad but that killing them a few at a time was OK. About the civilian woman he had just murdered because she stood too close to his target, he said, "I'm sorry, but the chick got in the way."
Turning to the psychopathic tendencies within the war, we have Corporal Ryan Dupre blurting to a reporter, "The Iraqis are sick people and we are the chemotherapy. I am starting to hate this country. Wait till I get hold of a friggin' Iraqi. No, I won't get hold of one. I'll just kill him."
Maybe I'm a hardened old Army wife, but this doesn't bother me at all. Our servicemembers have to have some way to deal with their mission. Whether it's detachment and indifference or raging hatred towards the enemy, they're both coping mechanisms, and they're both valid. I've heard my husband say that he'd take anyone out who looked remotely suspicious. That's a healthy way of dealing with the stress of combat. Would we rather our soldiers stopped to contemplate their ethical dilemma and in the meantime get wasted by an IED in a Coke can?
SOT involves a "my-side-versus-your-side" premise while creating a mental shortcut around actually thinking about it. Are we supposed to support any U.S. soldier on "our" side more than every single Iraqi? ... Are we supposed to support any Sergeant Schrumpf more than however many "chicks" he murdered? Should we support "our" troops over their civilians?
Personally, I support those with whom I feel kinship. I feel none at all with the chicken hawks in government running this aggression and none with troops like Schrumpf. I do not support them. I feel sorry for but little kinship with soldiers who find themselves in a bad position and just shoot wherever they are told, as the captured soldier said. I support them as much as I sympathize with them. But I feel more sympathy for the civilians murdered by U.S. weapons, for the children sliced to pieces by cluster bombs, for the women blown apart by bunker busters -- and for their survivors.
Well, then that is where you and I differ, Farnsworth. Look, I've met dirtbag soldiers. I have heard firsthand one private's despicable tales from Kosovo, and that's why he got chaptered out and his buddy is now in jail. There are jerks in our military, but there are jerks in every demographic of society, and there are Iraqi jerks and Afghan jerks and surely Farnsworth has met some jerks in Prague. But don't quote two soldiers and blow their remarks out of proportion into the reason why we should support Iraqis instead of our troops.
Posted by: Sarah at
07:00 AM
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Yep, that's exactly how I felt. The underlying suggestion seemed to be that we wouldn't be able to fight a war if only we had free universities, free health care and so forth, which are the only reasons the writer could think why anyone would want to join the military. I think a lot of Americans who come overseas to Prague as college students and then hang around completely lose their bearings. Their personalities are not strong enough to withstand the slightest criticism from Europeans. They want so badly to belong that they turn against everything American to appear more 'cultured'.
I didn't join the Army for free medical care or free education. And there are many other such men and women in the Army. Wonder what kind of military family the writer actually comes from? Not a very good one, I'd guess.
Posted by: Oda Mae at March 28, 2004 07:36 AM (nAexg)
Gag. It's ironic that this expat is living among Czech who probably have a better understanding of freedom. I would like to think that most Czechs believe freedom is worth fighting for. They also understand socialism far better than this expat (or any of us Americans) ever will.
"Their personalities are not strong enough to withstand the slightest criticism from Europeans."
It also doesn't help that their pro-farcers back home may have taught them that Europeans are "superior." So they had few or no bearings when they came to Prague.
Posted by: Amritas at March 28, 2004 08:38 AM (+jbFn)
As Sarah wrote in a recent post,
"He can save your life - or take it, because that is his job."
In Farnsworth's world, the job of a soldier is to suck off benefits. That creep would probably feel dirty if he touched AmeriKKKan soil again. Better he stay in Praha (only ignoramuses use the English distortion "Prague") and play the role of the Enlightened American (tm): "Alas, my ... fellow Americans are mired in simplisme, whereas I have risen above them and see the sophistication of le Kerry ..." He probably fits the profile of what I called a "Eurofool":
William Grim at Right Wing News described these creatures as "the lowest subspecies of homo sapiens americanus."
Let's put this guy on the battlefield and see how he functions under the stress of making split-second life-or-death decisions.
Posted by: Amritas at March 28, 2004 11:38 AM (oC8m2)
I wish he would look at the two photos I posted showing what our troops face each day. He'd probably say, "Those teenagers were no threat. They're just kids." And my son would say, "Probably. But I can't risk my soldiers' lives. One wrong step, and they're dead."
Posted by: Mike at March 28, 2004 02:29 PM (00IUf)
I had those very photos in mind when I wrote the line about split-second decisions:
Posted by: Amritas at March 28, 2004 10:31 PM (zNg28)
My son is in the Navy, and we had a conversation about duty. I told him that he had to know in his heart that he could "push the button" when the time came *before* the order was given. Otherwise, he wasn't being fair to the Navy nor to his crewmates. If his conscience wasn't clear on that, then he needed to get out before it became a problem.
Posted by: Ted at March 29, 2004 11:17 AM (blNMI)
You say American lives are worth more than other people's lives. That is morally depraved. You expect the world to respect you? Believe in the "war on terror"? It reminds me of other cultures that invaded other lands saying "Our people are the real people, your people are less than people, less human, worth less than our people."
Posted by: elizabethswitter at April 05, 2004 05:39 AM (x7iLs)
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I've gotten this email forward before, and although parts are a bit stereotypcial, overall I really like the image it conjures.
The average age of the military man is 19 years. He is a short haired, tight-muscled kid who, under normal circumstances is considered by society as half man, half boy. Not yet dry behind the ears, not old enough to buy a beer, but old enough to die for his country. He never really cared much for work and he would rather wax his own car than wash his father's; but he has never collected unemployment either.
He's a recent High School graduate; he was probably an average student, pursued some form of sport activities, drives a ten year old jalopy, and has a steady girlfriend that either broke up with him when he left, or swears to be waiting when he returns from half a world away. He listens to rock and roll or hip-hop or rap or jazz or swing and 155mm howizzitor. He is 10 or 15 pounds lighter now than when he was at home because he is working or fighting from before dawn to well after dusk.
He has trouble spelling, thus letter writing is a pain for him, but he can field strip a rifle in 30 seconds and reassemble it in less time in the dark. He can recite to you the nomenclature of a machine gun or grenade launcher and use either one effectively if he must. He digs foxholes and latrines and can apply first aid like a professional. He can march until he is told to stop or stop until he is told to march.
He obeys orders instantly and without hesitation, but he is not without spirit or individual dignity. He is self-sufficient. He has two sets of fatigues: he washes one and wears the other. He keeps his canteens full and his feet dry. He sometimes forgets to brush his teeth, but never to clean his rifle. He can cook his own meals, mend his own clothes, and fix his own hurts. If you're thirsty, he'll share his water with you; if you are hungry, his food. He'll even split his ammunition with you in the midst of battle when you run low.
He has learned to use his hands like weapons and weapons like they were his hands. He can save your life - or take it, because that is his job. He will often do twice the work of a civilian, draw half the pay and still find ironic humor in it all. He has seen more suffering and death then he should have in his short lifetime.
He has stood atop mountains of dead bodies, and helped to create them. He has wept in public and in private, for friends who have fallen in combat and is unashamed. He feels every note of the National Anthem vibrate through his body while at rigid attention, while tempering the burning desire to 'square-away' those around him who haven't bothered to stand, remove their hat, or even stop talking. In an odd twist, day in and day out, far from home, he defends their right to be disrespectful.
Just as did his Father, Grandfather, and Great-grandfather, he is paying the price for our freedom. Beardless or not, he is not a boy. He is the American Fighting Man that has kept this country free for over 200 years.
He has asked nothing in return, except our friendship and understanding. Remember him, always, for he has earned our respect and admiration with his blood. And now we even have woman over there in danger, doing their part in this tradition of going to War when our nation calls us to do so. As you go to bed tonight, remember this shot...a short lull, a little shade and a picture of loved ones in their helmets.
Posted by: Sarah at
03:45 AM
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I pisses me off that young men and women can be sent off to war but can't buy themselves a beer. Grrr.
Well, at least it's a volunteer army now. But I think anyone in the armed forces should automatically be allowed to drink alcohol.
Um, not while on duty though.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at March 28, 2004 05:51 AM (+S1Ft)
Don't worry too much about it. They get plenty. I've never heard of one being thrown in jail for underage drinking except on post or in the adjacent town.
Posted by: Mike at March 28, 2004 07:01 AM (00IUf)
And in Germany and Korea they follow the when-in-Rome, so all soldiers over 18 can drink.
Posted by: Sarah at March 28, 2004 07:04 AM (BJYhU)
This was a good starter today as I will be attending the funeral service for one of those young men (PFC Jason Ludlum, oddly enough).
Posted by: Sandra at March 28, 2004 02:10 PM (wmacY)
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March 27, 2004
I had a realization today about the deployment. I can safely say that I have done less complaining about the soldiers being gone for a year than other wives I know have, but I have in fact grumbled a little about how long a year is and how hard it is on the soldiers. But today I realized I've been looking at this all wrong. Deployment is in fact the raison d'etre for a soldier. It's the default position.
My father is a sales manager for Carrier. His employer pays him to sell big corporate air conditioning jobs. They don't pay him to sit in his office and get ready to sell these jobs, or to have his co-workers come in and pretend to be potential buyers so he can run through a would-be scenario. His job is to actually do the selling. In the same way, my husband's job is to actually be a soldier, not just to train to be one. Going to CMTC and gunnery and training exercises is a vital part of my husband's preparation, but his actual job is to be in Iraq (or Afghanistan or Haiti or wherever the heck else they send him).
Therefore, I think the analogy to the Superbowl is not entirely accurate, though it still has merit. Instead I think that I should start looking at this is the way it's supposed to be. My husband is supposed to be in Iraq because that's what his job is, just as a firefighter is supposed to fight fires or a teacher is supposed to teach. In fact, I've heard the word "soldier" used as a verb many times in our short Army career, and all of a sudden it makes more sense.
A soldier is supposed to soldier. In Iraq. Period.
Posted by: Sarah at
08:21 AM
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You've made a big step. Of course, your husband would prefer to be home with you. But soldiers get excited about actually doing their job. You are what makes his effort worthwhile. That's the synergism of a military family.
Posted by: Mike at March 27, 2004 10:46 AM (00IUf)
You are one impressive Lady. I read you daily, and could not let this opportunity go by to let you know how much I admire you. You and your husband are in my thoughts each day.
Posted by: Tammi at March 27, 2004 12:44 PM (IgBgr)
One .. slight.. comment. A soldier or firefighter is always prepaired to do their job. I think both would be perfectly happy to never have to actually perform what they train for (in most cases). After all they both sort of do the same thing.. put out fires. But great article!!
Posted by: LarryConley at March 27, 2004 01:35 PM (j+7RY)
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March 26, 2004
The other day my mom called me laughing because her brother had just called her ready to blow a gasket while watching
Kennedy on Meet the Press. Tanker pointed out something to me that I hadn't yet had time to post. Kennedy said:
Yeah, there would probably, probably. But I can tell you this: There would be a much greater participation of other countries around the world. This is laughable, this coalition. 85 percent of all the troops over there now are United
States troops, and 85 percent of the casualties--the casualties--are American troops. There's no reason that we can't have other troops from other nations participate and gradually free American troops from that responsibility. That would be the objective, and that would be the aim. I think that could be achievable.
Tanker then pointed out:
Multilateral, United Nations Authorized, France Approved,
Foreign Troops in the Korean War:
300,000 -- US
39,474 -- Foreign
339,474 -- Total
88% US
Australia 2,282
Belgium 900
Canada 6,146
Colombia 1,068
Ethiopia 1,271
France 1,119
Greece 1,263
Holland 819
Luxembourg 44
New Zealand 1,385
Philippines 1,496
South Africa 826
Thailand 1,204
Turkey 5,453
United Kingdom 14,198
United States 302,483
Posted by: Sarah at
05:06 PM
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What worries me most about Kerry's candidacy is that if elected, he will give Teddy the White House Kennedy couldn't get on his own.
Posted by: Mike at March 26, 2004 07:54 PM (00IUf)
Oh goodness. I hadn't even considered that Mike. I figure Clarke after his book and press time bashing Bush would get a spot. The thought of Kennedy being in there... Frightening.
Thanks for the info you found Sarah. I guess politics boils down to finding the truth on our own. The press sure isn't helping this time around.
Posted by: Shannon at March 26, 2004 10:24 PM (B0qeI)
hey guys glad to see so much interest in ths great blog
Posted by: viagra at September 12, 2005 10:42 AM (SHclP)
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When I taught ESL back in Illinois, the majority of my students were from South Korea. In my small conversation classes, we talked about the military, since many of the men had done their mandatory Korean service. The older gentlemen in my classes, those in the 40 year old range, thought very highly of the US military and insisted that the American presence was still very necessary. But they said that the younger
Koreans don't see things the same way.
The nonprofit think tankÂ’s report, released earlier this month, included two public opinion polls covering 1,710 South Koreans. Most South Koreans said they believe U.S. forces are important for security but also believe the 37,000 U.S. servicemembers stationed in their country may halt unification efforts with North Korea, the study said. And younger, better-educated respondents said they believe America poses a greater threat than North Korea.
Let's pause a moment and reflect on the word better-educated. In this context, it seems to me that this adjective is synonymous with head-up-their-butts or perhaps brainwashed-by-a-Leftist-agenda.
How is it in our country, as well as in Korea, the more educated you are, the less likely you are to be in touch with reality?
The United States is not preventing the reunification of North and South Korea. And I'll bet you a complete set of James Bond movies and $650,000 worth of Hennessey that anyone who thinks the US is more dangerous than Kim Jong Poofyhair obviously has not read a single thing about life in North Korea.
I'm starting to take real issue with the term better-educated. As one of Porphyrogenitus' readers astutely noted, "Waitresses and truck drivers are smart enough not to believe such patent absurdities. The amazing thing is that the majority of English and social science professors and journalists do believe them."
Posted by: Sarah at
02:30 AM
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"How is it in our country, as well as in Korea, the more educated you are, the less likely you are to be in touch with reality?"
Maybe Orwell was right. Maybe ignorance IS strength. Ignorance, that is, of the memetic viruses of e-duh-cation.
Then again, we have to understand our aca-dumb-ic enemies to win against them. So there is no excuse for ignorance. Still doesn't mean people should spend thousands on indoctrination, though.
"Better-educated" is often code language for "one of us Leftists."
Of course, the absence of education is not inherently virtuous either. Some of those waitresses and truck drivers might not know what's happening in North Korea. I suspect Saddam is far more famous than Kim Jong Il in the US.
Posted by: Amritas at March 26, 2004 09:45 AM (Ceu0B)
One reason the state of higher education in the social sciences sucks is because teachers feel pressure to come up with original ideas for their writing. The old ideas: based on traditional values and common sense have been done to death. Somewhere around the sixties, perhaps earlier, students found that by attacking traditional value systems their work would be thought original. i noticed this in my own post graduate study. i could either state the truth: America is a force for good, or come up with some nonsensical but original thesis. What happens when all the America bashing becomes the norm? Maybe the pendulum will swing back? i doubt it, the professors now are so left wing, they're not interested in truth, just agreement.
Posted by: annika at March 26, 2004 01:19 PM (zAOEU)
Annika, nail on the head regarding one of my doubleplusungood experiences with the teaching establishment. In elementary school in the early '90s, my son learned by "whole language" instruction, which had supplanted phonics. Best I can tell, WL became popular because it was New. Not because it was shown more effective in statistically-valid trials. It sure didn't work miracles in our family. Then last year, I heard a prof at the local teaching college staunchly the upcoming conference on implementing--Whole Language!
Be interesting to know how many Ed. theses have been written on SexyNew WL versus OldStodgy Phonics.
Posted by: AMac at March 29, 2004 02:21 PM (tH09J)
It's tricky to be totally wrongheaded about one's own subject (excluding comparative literature and some of the 'whatever-studies' which are disaster areas).
But no trouble at all to be so about others.
So in an environment where certain world-views dominate, considered self-evidently reasonable, and best deferred to avoid ostracism, the attitudes are picked up by osmosis.
There are the attractions of a thought-system that provides a comprehensive 'explanation of the world'.
(Religion could substitute, see Middle Eastern students of 'hard objective' subjects who become Islamic radicals, but generally it's too anti-hedonistic.)
This can have a long term influence.
Student days may be gone, and they would likely recoil in alarm if an socialist government appeared by magic overnight overnight with a command economy and 70+ per cent income tax on them (rather than the 'Super Rich'). But for many a 'radical' political stance is a painless way of maintaining their 'right-on' self-image, the apparent badge of an educated mind.
For such people anti-globalization, environmentalism, minority rights, anti-War, Palestine etc. gives the thrill of thinking they're still radicals, but apparently safely disconnected from impacting their everyday life.
Posted by: John F at March 30, 2004 07:07 AM (5cvA7)
Just came across this quote; maybe it's not such a new problem
- Francis Bacon (1561-1626), "universities incline wits to sophistry and affectation"
Posted by: John F at March 30, 2004 08:03 AM (5cvA7)
hey guys glad to see so much interest in ths great blog
Posted by: viagra at September 12, 2005 10:41 AM (SHclP)
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March 25, 2004
Our post lost a soldier last week. The memorial for
PFC Jason Ludlam was held today, and unfortunately I couldn't get out of work to go. My friend went, and her description of
the military roll call was enough to make me cry. I hope PFC Ludlam never doubted that there are people out there who appreciate his service and honor his sacrifice.
Posted by: Sarah at
04:09 PM
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Another Texan. God bless him.
Posted by: Mike at March 25, 2004 04:43 PM (cFRpq)
Jason's sister Erin works for my company. She informed us of her brother's death earlier this week. Jason's military funeral is Sunday. My wife Judy and I will be there. Words cannot express our feelings for this brave young man who followed in his mom and dad's footsteps (both are retired military). Jason, while a Boy Scout, participated in a Venture group that specialized in 19th century American Military re-enactments. In the words of Jason's father Tom, "He was in the 19th-century Army for a pastime and in the 21st-century Army for a career." My wife and I extend our condolences to the Ludlam family. Jason's sacrifice was the greatest a man can make for his country. We must never forget that or the very good reasons we are in Iraq.
Posted by: Buddy Saunders at March 27, 2004 01:47 PM (XaPns)
hey guys glad to see so much interest in ths great blog
Posted by: viagra at September 12, 2005 10:40 AM (SHclP)
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Woo-hoo, we're going to Poland!
In western Europe, which hosts about 102,000 U.S. military service personnel, most of the expected reduction would come in Army forces in Germany. The Army would withdraw more than 60 percent of its 56,000 troops in Germany, home to the 1st Armored and 1st Infantry divisions, officials said, and several overlapping high-level commands would be consolidated.
Posted by: Sarah at
03:50 AM
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Man, I want to visit Poland. My maternal Grandfather emigrated to the US from then-Germany now-Poland back in '32. Where he settled in northern Illinois, he said, resembled the hamlet he grew up in. I love the area he settled in, and I want to see where he came from.
Posted by: Blueshift at March 25, 2004 05:28 AM (crTpS)
"... we're going to Poland!"
Yeah, and maybe you could learn Polish! Ouch! If you think German is hard (maybe you don't), try Polish. I never did, but it is a lot like Russian and I can tell you that Russian ain't easy.
Posted by: Amritas at March 25, 2004 08:39 AM (9gJFi)
I'm thrilled to learn they are finally gettin the heck outta dodge err - Germany (I'll just label them as the ingrates). I just hope the DOD or Pentagon doesn't make the same mistake again by building such a huge footprint in one country.
Luv your stuff Sarah
Posted by: Toni at March 25, 2004 09:22 AM (SHqVu)
WooHoo is right, now when we get at least 80% out I'll really be pleased. We probably do need to leave a few there as a token of our power.
Posted by: Ruth H at March 25, 2004 11:41 AM (qqfAi)
How does one say "UP YOURS" in German?
Posted by: Macker at March 26, 2004 10:24 AM (s+A8l)
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March 19, 2004
See, this I can respect.
Poland says that they're disappointed they were misled by the WMD intelligence, but they still maintain that going into Iraq was the right thing to do. They also don't blame the USA for the bad intelligence; they only lament the fact that it happened. I think some informed criticism is legitimate and I applaud Poland for remaining a strong ally.
"We will be in Iraq as long as needed to achieve the intended goals, plus one day longer," Kwasniewski told Bush, according to Siwiec.
I knew there was a reason I'm dying to visit Poland.
Posted by: Sarah at
04:33 PM
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**stomps foot** If only Poland was big, like us...
Posted by: Taron W at March 19, 2004 05:39 PM (s915e)
My (paternal) grandparents were Polish. Yay for them!
Posted by: Pixy Misa at March 19, 2004 10:10 PM (+S1Ft)
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Today is the one year anniversary of the shock and awe campaign. At the time, I was visiting my grandparents in New York while my husband stayed behind at Fort Knox. During that showdown 48 hours, my husband and I would talk on the phone and wonder what would happen. At 48 hours on the nose, he called, and we said, "Huh, I guess nothing is happening." We hung up, and that's when it started.
One year later, things have turned out better than I imagined that night last year. Enlistment into the Army has remained steady. They've darn near caught the whole deck of cards, including the father and sons who represented decades of Iraqi misery. We've rotated the entire Army in and out of Iraq; in the future it will be a shock to see someone who doesn't have a combat patch on his right shoulder. And it seems that slowly but surely the war on terror is working. Our take-it-to-the-enemy strategy has prevented another attack on American soil and scared the pants off of Libya. We've shown we're in this for the long haul, and we're not going to be distracted by weasels or donkeys.
A while back Glenn Reynolds said, "I realized after the second anniversary of September 11 that this is a marathon, not a sprint, and pacing is required."
Wise words.
Posted by: Sarah at
11:19 AM
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March 12, 2004
We're at the
halfway mark for troop rotation in Iraq, and you'd never know it. If you don't know someone in Iraq or don't read a servicemember's blog, you would never know what's going on in a small port in Kuwait. Thousands of men are moving in and out of the most dangerous region we can imagine right now, and it's not even newsworthy. Because it works like clockwork. Sure there are some
broken cots and some
long lines, but so far this rotation has gone amazingly smoothly. Our military can get 'er done.
Posted by: Sarah at
02:38 AM
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March 10, 2004
Capt. Joel Cunningham of 10th MountainÂ’s 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment is in Afghanistan right now. He
characterized the war on terror in a way I've never heard before.
"It's like working a jigsaw puzzle blindfolded and drunk."
Much of what our servicemembers do is extremely difficult work. It's hard to tell who the bad guys are. It's hard to scour an entire country for one man or one WMD. And our troops often don't have all the pieces to the puzzle; I remember reading that a reporter told a LTC that Saddam had been captured just 50 miles from where they were in Iraq, but the news had not reached them yet. Each unit focuses on their individual mission to help complete the big puzzle that our Commander-in-Chief and Secretary of Defense see.
While sitting with other wives at dinner one night, one of them said something that stuck with me. She said that going to Iraq is like going to the Superbowl; it's the culmination of everything you've practiced for in your whole career. I like that analogy. Another woman remarked that every soldier she knows who is not in Iraq desperately wants to be there, which made me proud of the caliber of soldiers we have in our Army. I feel proud that my husband can be a part of the culmination of all of the Army's work, the conclusion of interactions with Iraq that have lasted for 13 years, and the beginning of a new Iraqi constitution and chapter in Iraq's history. I'm proud that he can help contribute to that puzzle in a significant way. As my friend said, "Evenings are no fun, but like you said, as sad as I am, I'm just so incredibly proud. If you think about it the guys were really lucky, I mean how many people can say they were a platoon leader during actual conflict?"
What a positive attitude: our husbands are lucky. Our soldiers are lucky to be part of something so monumental in history. When the puzzle is complete, all their work will make sense, and a beautiful new Iraq will emerge from the pieces.
Posted by: Sarah at
11:21 AM
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Having served in the Army, I can relate. We trained and worked to master the skills needed to not only survive in combat but also to be victorius. I know several soliders and Marines and airmen in Iraq, Afhganistan and the Balkans. We have the utmost confidence in them. Concerning many of the politicians in our government, I have far less confidence. We most all see that they understand we will not accept anything less than total support and backing for our service and combat forces. Our prayers go out to your husband and all soliders, Marines, airmen, and sailors. Rangers Lead The Way!!!!
Posted by: 2Hotel9 at March 10, 2004 09:37 PM (lpDqg)
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Our Division
lost her first soldier.
Sacred Words.
Posted by: Sarah at
10:58 AM
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Our prayers remain with you and all the people who are over there fighting, and dying. And just as much for all who are waiting and praying for the time to pass safely for their loved ones. It makes it easier to know that the cause IS just and most of us here at home realize that, no matter what you may read in the papers.
Posted by: Rhoese at March 10, 2004 01:00 PM (itSbs)
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Through our Family Readiness Group we got a list of planned demonstrations in Germany for the month of March. Dang, Germans demonstrate a lot. Most of them are anti-war with the occasional free-Tibet thrown in there, but there is one in Heidelberg on 20 March which is supposed to be pro-USA. We military folks are not allowed anywhere near these demonstrations, whether they're pro- or anti-, but if anyone else is in that area and could go, I'd love to hear about it.
Posted by: Sarah at
05:38 AM
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I realize they are German and not American protesters, but I couldn't help but think of this famous quote:
"How come," I asked Andy, "whenever something upsets the Left, you see immediate marches and parades and rallies with signs already printed and rhyming slogans already composed, whereas whenever something upsets the Right, you see two members of the Young Americans for Freedom waving a six-inch American flag?"
"We have jobs," said Andy.
P.J. O'Rourke, in Parliament of Whores (1991)
Posted by: topdawg at March 10, 2004 07:42 AM (JMaAr)
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March 05, 2004
The worst part of this deployment is that we saw it coming for so long. We knew in July that they'd be leaving, and it was just a matter of waiting for the day. So when my husband and I were talking the week before he left, I told him my biggest fear: it's not that something will happen to him; it's that we'll survive these 14 months and he'll come home to me, and 12 months later we'll have to do it all over again. Half of the Army was in Iraq last year; the other half is there now. Who do you think is going next year?
3ID is, the same folks who were there when it all started. That means the Big Red One's slated for the next go-round. That's what causes a sinking feeling in my stomach: he's only been gone for three weeks and I already see the second deployment on the horizon.
(This depressing thought brought to you by Tim, though it's certainly not his fault. His stuff's mostly good today; I laughed out loud at the Gangs of New York and swinging a cat.)
Posted by: Sarah at
11:07 AM
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First of all let me tell you what I've been doing over the past two years. Nine months in Afghanistan, home for four, and now in Iraq until at least May. Then we are supposed to either come back to Iraq or go back to Afghanistan around the December/January time frame. That's the life of an Airborne Ranger I guess.
Posted by: Birdie at March 05, 2004 09:13 PM (IXwYP)
Hugs, I know what you're going through - although it's my son and not my husband. My son who serves with the 1/7 Marines came back from Iraq last October and will be returning for Round 2 this September. His wife is treasuring every minute while he's still here. As am I. But, I am so proud of my son and your husband and every other soldier and Marine who protects and serves. It's not a small thing.
Posted by: Deb Conrad at March 07, 2004 03:01 AM (LMIyI)
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March 03, 2004
I may have found a lead on why they call the man who's messin' with your wife "
Jody". Based on Bunker's comment, I googled "jody" and "music" and came up with a funk song from the 70s called "Trackin' Down Jody" by Darker Shades Ltd. It's about trying to find a guy named Jody and killin' him (I don't know who he is / but all I know / Jody could be the man / livin' right next door). That could be where it came from, or it could've already been a popular expression that was made into a song. Who knows! But you can listen to the song clip
So my guess that it was already a popular expression seems to be right. Amritas dug up the real meaning, found here. Well done, linguist.
Posted by: Sarah at
05:00 PM
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If Scurvyboy is right in the comments for "Jody," then this song is either a coincidence or it draws upon the WWII usage, which brings us back to square one. Fascinating but also frustrating. Googling "Jody etymology affair" turned up nothing.
It's really from "Joe the (Grinder)"!
Posted by: Amritas at March 03, 2004 05:07 PM (aRePS)
For the record, the magic Google words were "Jody slang etymology."
Posted by: Amritas at March 03, 2004 05:08 PM (aRePS)
I'd come across the Jody reference in a couple of books about Vietnam, and I'd been rather confused by it. Thanks, Amritas and Sarah.
Posted by: Dr_Funk at March 07, 2004 01:34 AM (RVsRN)
jody was a stock character in the soul music of the late sixties and early seventies...that darker shades ltd. song is one of many (at least dozens) of jody-related are a handful of others:
bobby patterson, "right on jody"
bobby newsome, "jody come back and get your shoes"
johnnie taylor, "jody got your girl and gone"
jean knight, "don't talk about jody"
joe williams jr., "don't let me catch you, jody"
ann sexton, "you've been gone too long" (" jody's got your girl and gone")
Posted by: mr. fine wine at August 05, 2004 05:06 PM (cj01+)
Posted by: casino at August 30, 2005 06:17 PM (DKl3T)
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Reader Tracey sent a link to
a wonderful article she says puts the "smackdown" on John Kerry. I agree. The author describes herself:
I'm the daughter of Lt. Col. Roger J. "Black Bart" Bartholomew, a First Air Cavalry rocket artillery helicopter pilot who was killed in Vietnam on Thanksgiving Day 1968, when I was eight years old. I'm a former journalist with a military newspaper, a U.S. Marine widow, and I am appalled at Mr. Kerry's latest assertions that our president "has reopened the wounds of Vietnam."
Anyone who has praised my strength lately needs to go read Ms. Armstrong's article. Then you can see what real military-family strength looks like.
Posted by: Sarah at
06:25 AM
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Sgt Hook has a tribute to our soldiers called
Who Is Defending You.
Go read it. And make sure to click on all the pictures.
"That's an order!" as he would say.
And if you've never read the story of Rick Rescorla, do so as well. He survived the battle at Ia Drang Valley in Vietnam, only to die in the WTC. He's a true American hero.
Posted by: Sarah at
04:53 AM
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Dear Stars and Stripes,
There are more battalions over in Kuwait than 1-77. Why are all of your articles about 1-77? Not that I have anything against them -- one of our best friends is with 1-77 -- but I'd still like to hear you talk about all of the units instead of just one. Thank you.
A jealous wife who wants to read about her husband,
Posted by: Sarah at
04:22 AM
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Because 1-77 is Halliburton's favorite?
Meanwhile, in the real world (as opposed to sone DUmb [sic] fantasy), there are probably some boring logical (and logistic) reasons for the monopoly of coverage.
But yeah, I understand how annoying it is to have the sun fixed in one spot. "Hey! Sol! Shine a little over HERE!!"
Posted by: Amritas at March 03, 2004 05:05 AM (xJlnx)
The 1-77 has an embedded journalist with them.
Posted by: Nancy at March 03, 2004 02:25 PM (boDJK)
Understanding why the 1st of the 77th has all of the media coverage is simple, it's sector. Take for instance my sector, (If you go on Bunkers web page and then click on my little site on the side you'll see where I'm at), is probably the worst in Baghdad. I'm talking about shooting and bombs just about everyday, so the media really doesn't come into our sector unless they are trying to get back into the greenzone. That's why the 1-77th has all of the media coverage, it's sector.
Posted by: Birdie at March 05, 2004 09:33 PM (IXwYP)
Posted by: casino at August 30, 2005 09:50 AM (DKl3T)
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