June 26, 2006
Al Gore was just on Keith Olbermann a few minutes ago; they compared global warming skeptics to flat earthers and people who thought the moon landing was faked. That's a bit of a stretch, people. Then Olbermann said that people who don't believe in global warming are usually people who only think the earth is a couple thousand years old, and Gore starts quoting scripture on why people should pay attention to climate change. What? There are scientists who disagree with the hockey stick and data on carbon dioxide levels, but Gore just dismissed them all as "outliers" and shills. I'm amazed that Gore feels comfortable dismissing a paleoclimatologist as wrong and uninformed: what exactly is Gore's science background? He didn't even bother to memorize some data to refute Patterson; he just waved his hand and declared global warming to be a fact. How convincing...
Posted by: Sarah at
02:57 AM
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Ironic, isn't it, that Olbermann scoffs at those who think the earth is a few thousand years old (right or wrong, there is indeed some evidence...), which implies those who devoutly hold to what they read in the Bible are crackpots; yet at the same time, he gives unquestioned credence to Gore when he uses the same book that nutcases believe?
I am reminded of the '92 nomination acceptance speech: "...the Scriptures say, 'eye has not seen, ear has not heard, neither has it entered the mind of man what we can build.'" Or so said then-governor Clinton. He was (mis)quoting Paul's first letter to the church in Corinth, Greece, the ninth verse of the second chapter (I Corinthians 2:9). I almost went postal when I watched him do that.
p.s. Glad you all are in the States!
Posted by: Jim Shawley at June 27, 2006 04:26 PM (9MvgV)
This is quite a doozy of a juxtaposition of entries -- you STILL want to believe in the WMD despite out and out gov't reports and everyone admitting they don't exist, but you want to deny the majority of scientists who say global warming is a problem we had better deal with and fast.
Are you joking?
Posted by: question at June 27, 2006 10:30 PM (n17hK)
So scientific theories are proven by majority vote?
How interesting. Must begin lobbying votes for cheap spacelift and FTL technologies.
Posted by: Patrick Chester at June 28, 2006 01:47 AM (MKaa5)
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June 20, 2006
This article is a bit old, but I couldn't believe it when I read it via Powerline. Just wow. An older married couple gets all hot and heavy and "forgets" to use birth control. The lady can't get the morning after pill in her area, so she gets pregnant and has an abortion. And she
blames Bush for her abortion. Wow. How 'bout blaming your freaking self for not being smart enough to calm down for two seconds and use some danged birth control? Do people ever take personal responsibility for anything these days?
Posted by: Sarah at
05:19 AM
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Bah, people's ignorance always dismays me. NOt only is she trying to play the victim for something she was very much in control of. but she is also ill-informed, and is ill-informing her readers, too. The morning after pill is not the only way to have emergency contraception. Basically that is a dedicated pill for emergency contraception, but you can use your own birth control pills in the
same fashion. You would think someone writing an article like that might have done some research and perhaps looked into alternatives, but she seems to think that was her only option when it came to pills. I am sure she would have been able to get a prescription of birth control pills filled. Plus apparently there is more than a 72 hour window...according to one site I checked you have at least 150 hours. So, that is just in 5 minutes I found that info online...she probably could have saved herself a world of grief if she had done the same.
Posted by: CaliValleyGirl at June 20, 2006 06:34 AM (ZhAK4)
I just noticed the link doesn't work. But if you click
here and go to click on "List" for the US, you will get the list of possible contraceptive pills.
Posted by: CaliValleyGirl at June 20, 2006 06:38 AM (ZhAK4)
This woman just HAD to have someone to blame for her stupidity, and why not blame Bush he gets blamed for everything else.
It frightens me to think of what excuses she could be teaching her children. Will she blame Bush if her kids come home knocked up ten years from now?
Stop the insanity!
Posted by: Vonn at June 20, 2006 11:52 AM (dEgRi)
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June 17, 2006
Ann Althouse posts about a high school with
41 valedictorians. Apparently that school rewards everyone with a GPA over 4.0, regardless of rank. That sucks. I thought my school's system was fair: 4.0 was the highest GPA you could get, but there was an entirely different ranking system for weighted courses. Thus someone who took all "basic" classes and got straight A's would receive a 4.0 but would not be anywhere near the top of the class; someone who took all "advanced" classes and got one B would be salutatorian, and those who took all advanced classes with all A's would be valedictorian. We had 8 valedictorians and 2 salutatorians. (Or was it 7 and 3? See how important it turned out to be?) Among the top 8, we all knew who really deserved honors. I went to high school with people who did relativistic physics for fun and calculus in their sleep. There were also valedictorians who simply knew How School Worked and did what it took to get the necessary A's. It's a shame there was no way to really distinguish between the geniuses and the rest of us folks, but I suppose what they've done after high school is the real proof of their smarts.
Incidentally, several of us got together once when we were graduating from college and compared when we had finally broken our 4.0s. One friend was bummed that he was the first to lose it, but we had to remind him that getting one B at Princeton was nothing to be bummed about!
Posted by: Sarah at
01:09 PM
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Out of curiosity, did you ever take the ASVAB? My oldest daughter just did and I'm proud to say she beat me by a good margin in all categories except one.
Posted by: Randy at June 17, 2006 03:01 PM (0l2IA)
You know, I did take it, but I have no memory of my score. I've always wondered if it's still on record somewhere or if my mom has my score somewhere in the basement!
Posted by: Sarah at June 18, 2006 02:18 AM (YL5y0)
I remember taking that test just for the chance of getting out of an afternoon of classes. Imagine my surprise when every service recruiter in the area started calling with offers of some pretty "neat" positions. I'd have to say that my best offer came from the Navy with an offer of going to nuclear power school. (Yeah, like I was going to enjoy riding around in a tin can hundreds of feet below the surface!)
I politely told them all that I was waiting for word from West Point, Annapolis and the Air Force Academy before making any decisions...glad I did!
See you on the high ground!
Posted by: MajorDad1984 at June 28, 2006 02:09 AM (j7S/Q)
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June 09, 2006
It's hard to put into words how I've been feeling for the last six weeks. My friends from Germany keep wondering if the magic has worn off yet, and I can honestly say that I'm thrilled it hasn't. I still bounce out of my seat when we pass a Dairy Queen or an Arby's. I walk slowly through every aisle in Walmart, trying to take it all in. And I laugh every time I notice something that is different from the way my life was for the past three years.
The biggest joke I've noticed is that my husband and I are complete suckers for advertising right now. Since we went for three years without commercials, we find ourselves buying into the hype. Sonic runs a commercial for a junior banana split, and I immediately want to go out and get one. Quizno's runs a new sandwich, and we go get it for dinner. We even saw some dumb commercial for a Crunch bar, and my husband and I turned to each other and said, "Heck, I don't even really like Crunch, but I sure want one now!" I find myself wanting the Nicer Dicer and the Total Gym and everything else I see on TV. I hope this wears off soon!
Another thing I've noticed is that I talk to everyone. Waiters, strangers, people in line...I just have this overwhelming urge to chat. I spent three years avoiding small talk and praying that salesclerks would not ask me any hard questions, so I can't stop jabbering at everyone. I love talking to people!
I'm also not used to air conditioning, so I'm freezing my butt off. I had forgotten how shocking it is to go in and out of buildings in the US, to constantly go from 60 degrees to 95.
And cruise control is heaven.
Posted by: Sarah at
05:07 AM
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If there is such a thing as blogging bulemia, you have it. Wow...four posts in one day...I am giddy! Nice to see you back online...and I would love to see all those trainees, too.
Posted by: CaliValleyGirl at June 09, 2006 06:34 AM (xZpK7)
The Total Gym is...how should I say this...completely gay?
Get yourself a Bowflex or whatever that company sells! It's GOOD STUFF!
See you on the high ground!
Posted by: MajorDad1984 at June 14, 2006 03:17 PM (j7S/Q)
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